Chronicles of Eden - Act III Page 13
“I’m sorry about how I’ve been lately,” she said softly. “Always rushing into a fight with the first monster I see. I can’t help it, I’m so protective of you, but that doesn’t excuse my behavior. If I don’t get that under control, I could ruin your chances of forming peace with them, I could wreck everything.”
Daniel blinked then looked down to her rear which she was slowly moving around against his body as he felt his throat dry up slightly. Triska steadied her breathing as she felt what she was rubbing against then looked back to Daniel with an innocent frown.
“I’m sorry, I really am. I’ve been a real bad girl for you.”
“Um… no, you haven’t… uh, been bad,” Daniel stuttered as his eyes were still locked onto her rear. Triska watched him closely as he just stared at her while holding her hips then smiled a little.
“But I have, I even broke the rules in here, and I hurt Alyssa. I loved that you returned my sword to me, but I still feel like I’m in need of some other form of punishment,” she said with a purr at the end. Daniel gulped then slowly looked up to her, her eyes watching him with growing love behind them.
“When a fighter breaks the rules back home, they’re disciplined for it,” Triska reasoned. “I’m no exception. I didn’t act accordingly and put you at risk, I broke the rules about having my sword out inside the caravan, and I drew blood from my own friend with my temper. Daniel, I don’t deserve to get off easily from all that.” She then looked down at her bag, her hair hiding the view of her face which had a timid smile on it, as she slowly shifted her hips around against his body.
‘Come on, tame me, Daniel. Please, if this will let you see me for the woman I am, then I’ll endure anything for you.’
Daniel looked down to Triska’s rear, feeling very clearly her movements against him while his hands still held onto her waist. He felt his body heat up a bit as the girl was slowly grinding against him while practically begging him to punish her.
“I… well…”
Triska took a shaky breath and turned her head slightly, her mouth becoming visible while her eyes were hidden by her hair.
“Please tame me,” she breathed out, with Daniel’s eyes widening from hearing that. The boy closed his eyes as he tried to gather his thoughts, feeling conflicting emotions about the girl that was making some very clear signals as to what she wanted him to do.
After a moment to think about his options he reached over and grabbed hold of the girl by the shoulders, pulling her back upright to him before holding her securely around the middle.
“Daniel?” Triska asked with a bit of surprise.
Without saying a word Daniel slowly turned her around and held her close, gazing into her eyes as she watched him with wonder.
“What are you doing?” she asked softly.
The boy gently held her cheeks and kept her gaze facing him, the girl then holding onto his hands as he slowly shook his head a bit.
“I need to give you all a fair chance,” he reasoned. “That’s what this is about, isn’t it? You’ve all called a truce to spend nights like this with just me. You’re all doing what you can to give me a chance to choose one of you. Since you’re all trying so hard, I need to as well, right?”
Triska nodded slowly with a timid expression as he held her, feeling a blush growing on her cheeks from his touch. Daniel slowly moved his hands down to her shoulders and held her gently as a small smile formed on his face.
“And that means I need to stop viewing you like my sister, like just a friend. I need to give you a fair chance as well, Triska.”
Triska slowly nodded as if in a trance, her eyes just staring into his as she waited to see what he would do with her. Daniel looked down for a moment then nodded before looking back to her with a raised eyebrow.
“Then I suppose it can’t be helped,” he said with a shrug.
Before Triska could say anything the boy took her by the shoulders and guided her over towards the back wall, with him sitting down against it and bringing her over to his side. To her surprise he then pulled her down over his lap, the girl making a small yelp as she dropped onto her arms on the floor with her rear raised up over him. She then looked to him with wonder as he held her down by the back with one hand, his expression being of forced determination as he was staring at her butt with a small blush on his face. He knew what he wanted to do, or at least what he felt he should do as per her request, however this was his first time he would be doing such a thing to anyone, especially to a beautiful girl he had known all his life.
“Daniel…” Triska breathed out as she tried to keep calm about what he was doing, or rather about to do to her. He glanced to her then to her rear which she kept raised up a bit over his lap.
‘Okay, you can do this, don’t feel intimidated. She’s not your sister, she’s… she’s…’
He slowly rested his other hand on her rear, with Triska holding in her gasp as the boy gently and slowly caressed her left cheek. Daniel had obviously felt her grinding against him earlier in her attempt to seduce him, but this was the first time he actually got a good feel of the girl’s rear, or any girl’s rear for that matter. He was surprised that it felt very soft and gentle, rather than being made of steel as he had always figured her body to be as strong as. Without even realizing it he cupped her cheek and squeezed it lightly, causing a small gasp to escape Triska’s mouth. Hearing it he blinked and quickly glanced to see the girl staring at him with wide eyes and a blush on her face, her breathing slow and ragged as she was quivering slightly from being handled by him. For the first time ever she appeared completely helpless to him, which was good because he figured if any other guy ever touched her like this the poor soul would lose his hand and probably his life.
‘She really is beautiful, even more so than I noticed before. I can’t believe this is the same girl who used to be one of the best fighters we had in our village, the same girl who was always right in front of me.’
“Daniel…” Triska shuddered as she felt the boy holding her rear like that, her heart fluttering as she tried to keep her breathing steady. She closed her eyes as she relished the feeling of him holding her butt and caressing it.
‘Wow, he’s actually… with me… okay, I don’t care if this is as far as we go, just don’t stop what you’re doing, Daniel.’
Daniel looked down to what he was cupping then to Triska as he held her back down with one hand still, the girl making no effort to break away from him at all.
‘Alright, don’t back down now. She’s dropped all her defenses for you, she wants this. I have to try, and, who knows… maybe this will be… maybe this will feel…’
He paused then raised his hand into the air, with Triska’s eyes widening as he was poised to spank her. Her hands gripped the blanket on the floor as she tensed up, her eyes darting from Daniel’s hand to his face then back to the hand again.
‘Oh my god… he’s… he’s really going to… he’s going to-’
Before she could finish that thought Daniel slapped her rear hard, the sound echoing out slightly as the girl jumped with a loud yelp. She stared straight ahead with a deep blush on her face, her breathing racing now along with her heart as she felt the sensation rippling through her behind. She trembled a bit before she felt Daniel spank her again, the girl yelping loudly before slapping a hand over her mouth. Looking back to him she saw a determined expression on his face as he pushed her back down onto the floor.
“You’re not done yet,” he said in a commanding tone, his voice doing very well to hide that he was struggling to remain calm while his heart rate had increased as well. Triska shakily shook her head then looked down while gripping the blanket tightly.
“I’m sorry, Daniel,” she pleaded softly.
Daniel spanked her again, the girl trying to keep her voice in as she felt the hit. It wasn’t really painful as much as it was shocking to her, the girl finding herself loving the sensation of him disciplining her. Daniel watched her quiver while her rear wig
gled a bit, a small whine escaping her mouth as she let him do as he wished. He looked at where he had slapped her, where it was so soft and delicate, and raised his hand up again. After a few quiet, steady breaths he glanced to see Triska peeking back at him from where she was, her eyes watching him intently while she was breathing heavily.
‘She’s watching you, you have to be forceful now, don’t go easy on her. She wants to be punished, she wants to be taught a lesson, give her what she wants.’
“Bad girl,” he scolded before he slapped her again, with Triska yelping and squirming around on his lap.
“Y-Yes… I am…” Triska breathed out as she felt her heart beating so fast that she feared it would pop out of her chest. Again she felt him spanking her rear, then again, and again, each time coming swiftly as she struggled to keep her voice in. Small gasps and yelps managed to get out though, her face turning redder and redder with each hit as her mind was racing.
Daniel spanked her again and again, watching as the girl took each and every hit obediently. She didn’t try to stop him, she didn’t try to get away; she was actually letting him discipline her. He couldn’t lie, the feeling of her ass against his hand did feel good, as well as the sensation that he was in control of her. It was almost too surreal to believe, he actually had the fiery Triska Raylight bent over his lap receiving a spanking like this. Certainly something he never imagined doing to her before.
Hanging onto the edge of the driver’s seat of the caravan Alyssa was listening with a careful ear while Squeak and Specca were watching her from by the campfire. The witch heard a soft clapping sound again and again, along with Triska’s voice that was starting to become more broken up.
“I’m sorry, Daniel… ugh!” Triska cried out. “I’m sorry, please… ung! I’m sorry!”
Alyssa raised an eyebrow as she slowly leaned closer to the entryway of the cabin, questioning what she was hearing.
“I expect you to be a good girl from now on, understand?” Daniel ordered, his voice wavering a bit from being firm and pronounced to slightly nervous for a moment.
“Yes, I’ll be good- ungh! I’ll be good, I swear- nngh! I’m sorry!” Triska pleaded between grunts and gasps.
Alyssa showed a baffled expression and slowly shook her head.
“No way, is he…” she said quietly before slowly peeking into the cabin. The black curtain was pulled across the back section, a warm orange glow coming from behind it while Daniel and Triska’s shadows weren’t cast onto the blanket from where they were. However now Alyssa could clearly hear the spanking sound, as well as how it was timed perfectly with what Triska was saying.
“Oh my god- ah! I’m sorry for being bad, I’m- ungh! I’m sorry, I’ll behave from now on- oh! I’ll be good! Ungh! I promise!” Triska pleaded while the clapping sound started to escalate.
Alyssa’s jaw dropped slightly as she listened to Triska being spanked from behind the curtain. She heard Triska begging and pleading that she would be good while Daniel constantly disciplined her without letting up. After a while Alyssa slowly and quietly climbed off the caravan and walked back over to the campfire with a stunned expression.
“So? What are they doing?” Specca asked as Alyssa took her seat again. The witch just stared at the fire as it burned while the two girls watched her curiously.
“Alyssa?” Specca asked again. Alyssa slowly glanced over to her while remaining quiet. “Was that Triska we heard earlier? What are she and Daniel doing?”
Alyssa slowly looked over to the caravan for a moment then back to the fire while nodding.
“Yeah, it was her.”
“Well, what is she doing with Daniel?” Specca asked anxiously.
Alyssa looked down in thought for a moment then to the nixie with a shrug.
“She’s apologizing to Daniel for being so stupid lately.”
Squeak and Specca looked at her with confusion then over to the caravan.
“She’s apologizing to him for being stupid?” Specca repeated dryly.
“Yeah,” Alyssa said glancing away. “I heard her saying that she’s sorry for everything she’s done. She… was really begging for his forgiveness.”
Squeak and Specca looked to each other curiously then to Alyssa as the witch just watched the fires burning in the pit.
“Really?” Specca questioned. “That’s not what I was expecting her to do tonight.”
“Believe me, I was surprised too,” Alyssa mentioned flatly.
Squeak looked to the caravan then to Specca while squeaking and pointing at the ride. Specca glanced to her then shook her head.
“No, we’ll head back in a little bit,” she said before looking at the fire again. “If Triska is taking this time to talk to Daniel about her behavior I’d rather not interrupt them by climbing into the cabin.”
Alyssa nodded slowly as she glanced over to the caravan, knowing that Triska was indeed apologizing to Daniel over and over again during her punishment.
“Yeah, I think we should wait a while too.”
Chapter 5
A Bloody Meal
In the world of Eden, everyone had to eat to survive. Humans would cultivate livestock, field crops for farming, and hunt wildlife in order to feed their people. Monsters were no different in this regard. They may have sought out men in order to breed as was their nature but they needed more than just human semen to survive. They too would use livestock, produce, and even resort to hunting for their food if they had to, just the same as humans did. Some would even eat humans and other monsters, having bigger appetites for meat that needed to be met. This was just how it was; it was the way of things, a natural part of life.
Of course, there was a difference between eating to survive, and eating to murder.
The stars in the night sky were seen through a few passing clouds, with the landscape below illuminated only by the faint glow of the moon. A few fireflies lit up here and there around the area while silence had befallen the land. Near a caravan parked at the base of a large hill a white horse was sleeping quietly in a patch of soft grass, and next to the caravan three monster girls were quietly climbing onboard to turn in for the night. Alyssa slowly stepped onto the front seat then entered the cabin, her eyes gradually adjusting to the darkened interior before she focused her magic and lit her crystal focuser up slightly. The bluish glow illuminated the cabin enough for the witch to make out where her sleeping mat and pillow were. Specca carefully climbed up onto the front seat after her, peering around slowly as she tried to be as quiet as possible so not to wake Daniel and Triska.
“Are they asleep?” she whispered as she slowly entered the cabin right behind Alyssa.
The sound of lumber being sawed through viciously by muscular woodsmen was heard behind the black curtain, with Alyssa raising an eyebrow to it while Specca showed a stunned expression.
“I’d say Daniel’s fast asleep right now,” Alyssa reasoned quietly as she heard Daniel snoring again.
“My word,” Specca said holding a hand to her chest. “I slept next to that last night? I didn’t even hear a thing.”
“And you didn’t believe us,” Alyssa commented with a glance back to her. Specca slowly shook her head as she heard Daniel snoring rather loudly from behind the curtain.
Squeak hopped up onto the front seat, making a small thump and rocking the caravan slightly, and then squeaked at the two girls with a curious expression. Alyssa and Specca quickly turned to her with fingers held over their mouths while shushing her, the ant girl looking at them curiously then showing a nervous smile and shrug before all the girls turned back towards the curtain. Again they heard Daniel snoring without missing a beat, the three girls listening with wonder as the boy was indeed a very loud sleeper.
“Is Triska really asleep with him right now?” Specca asked.
Alyssa slowly moved towards the curtain as did the other girls, all of them moving on their knees as they tried to be as quiet as possible. The witch grabbed the side of the
curtain and slowly pulled it over, the three girls then peeking through to seeing Daniel and Triska asleep together, with Triska rolled onto her side and holding onto Daniel’s chest while the boy was lying on his back. A soft glow of moonlight came from the back window, showing the two resting peacefully with a blanket pulled over them.
“I’d say she is,” Alyssa said, trying to hide her jealousy of seeing Triska sleeping with Daniel like that.
“Wow,” Specca commented. “She’s not bothered by Daniel’s snoring at all, even when she’s so close to him.”
Triska murmured quietly as she snuggled closer to Daniel, her head resting next to his as the boy continued to sleep rather loudly. She didn’t flinch or show any signs of discomfort while sleeping beside him like that at all, with the other girls watching curiously as she slept quietly while holding onto the boy.
“Lucky girl,” Specca said quietly with envy, with Squeak nodding in agreement. Alyssa showed a dull expression then moved back towards her sleeping spot while Specca and Squeak continued to watch Daniel sleep.
“Let’s get some rest, it’s late,” Alyssa said while putting her hat and staff down next to her sleeping mat.
“Daniel…” Triska murmured softly while holding onto the boy. Specca and Squeak watched her curiously while Alyssa sat down and glanced to the curtain. “Spank me harder…”
Specca and Squeak jumped a bit with startled expressions while Alyssa just watched the curtain.
“What did she just say?” Specca asked carefully.
“I’m sorry for being a bad girl…” Triska said softly, with her hips seen to be shifting around a bit under the covers while the girl was lost in her dream.
Specca watched her carefully for a moment then turned to Alyssa, the witch laying down on her mat while pulling a blanket over her.
“Alyssa,” Specca whispered. “You said that she was apologizing to Daniel earlier, didn’t you?”
Alyssa merely nodded while remaining silent. Specca looked to Triska then back to the witch while Squeak turned to face Alyssa with a cautious expression.