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Chronicles of Eden - Act X Page 13
Chronicles of Eden - Act X Read online
Page 13
“I had no idea we had pork here all this time,” Specca marveled as she ate hers.
“There’s a lot in here you don’t know about,” Clover mentioned before eating her breakfast. Doku nodded as she started with hers, using her foot to hold the silverware with ease as she expressed caution of taking that first bite. After tasting it and seeing it wasn’t going to burn her mouth off she continued to eat with a calm smile.
“So… was this okay for my second attempt at making you breakfast?” Clover asked Daniel.
“This is better than okay, Clover,” Daniel assured her. “It’s very delicious. It’s been a while since we had this to eat, and you making it for us with such care only adds to the pleasure of having it again.”
Clover blushed brightly with a stunned expression before quickly lowering her head and hiding her face.
“You just had to say if it was okay or not,” she stammered out. “You didn’t have to try and embarrass me. Geez.”
“Haha, I’m sorry,” Daniel chuckled with an amused smile. “It’s really good, Clover. And I think your family approves of it as well.”
“GET IN MY BELLY!” Luna laughed wildly before viciously devouring her bacon with a deranged smile.
“No complaints over here,” Falla said raising her hand.
Squeak nodded and squeaked with a happy smile before resuming with her eggs.
“I love it!” Cindy called out. “It tastes so good and warm! I wanna eat this forever!”
“It’s really good,” Triska agreed. “So I have to ask, which one of you two made this for us?”
Doku and Clover jumped and glanced to one another then smiled weakly at the teen.
“I… had a little help,” Clover admitted before taking a bite of her bacon.
“Yes, she did,” Doku agreed with a shrug. “But she did try very hard to make this for her man and her family. And I say she succeeded very well.”
“She did indeed,” Daniel said with a wink at Clover. The elf smiled timidly to that before shaking her head and trying to force a blank expression as she ate her meal, something she was failing at with her deep blush and her light smile that was very hard to remove from her face.
“Good morning, everyone,” Twilight greeted in their heads.
“Good morning, Twilight,” Daniel replied looking up.
“Good morning,” the girls said doing the same.
“AHHHH!” Cindy screamed as she started smacking her fist into her head, knocking puffs of sand out wildly as she yelled and thrashed around. “There’s a strange voice in my head! Get out of my head!”
“Cindy, stop!” Daniel called out. The wraith halted and looked to him with a disfigured head that was starting to slowly heal. “It’s okay. That’s Twilight, she’s a friend of ours. This is her home we’re in. She speaks to us through our minds, that’s how she talks to us.”
“Ohhhh,” Cindy said slowly. After her head reformed again she looked around in confusion. “But where is she? I don’t see anyone else here.”
“It’s alright, child,” Twilight kindly spoke. “I’m not there right now, I’m… someplace far away at the moment. I’m speaking to you with my magic. I didn’t mean to alarm you, I’m sorry about that.”
Cindy looked around with a curious expression for a while then scratched her head in puzzlement.
“Where are you? How are you doing that?”
“Such a sweet sand wraith,” Twilight giggled. “When my helpers informed me that you had befriended one of these monsters in the world I couldn’t help but be curious, Daniel Sorres. And it even seems you have a swarm in your company now that you’ve taken a liking to. That I was not expecting to see.”
“Yeah,” Daniel answered with a weak smile. “We just sort of ran into them. But I’m glad we did, they’re very nice girls despite what they are. Cindy’s a kind soul through and through, and Snapper… well, she’s the nicest swarm we’ve ever met, that’s for sure.”
“Snapper?” Cindy asked then looked around quickly.
“I’m back,” Alyssa announced as she walked into the dining hall. She came up to the table and smiled curiously at seeing the meal everyone was having. “Wow, that looks really good. Wait, is that bacon? We had pork here?”
“There’s a drawer over there with pigs in it,” Clover said pointing to the kitchen.
“What? Really?” Alyssa wondered as she skipped over to see. She hopped next to the open drawer that had some chilled air coming out of it and looked inside, the witch blinking and just staring at something in silence.
“Snapper?” Cindy called out as she stood up. “Where did you go? Snapper?”
Daniel and the girls froze from hearing that then quickly looked around under the table, fearing whose foot the young swarm may be preparing to chomp down on at any moment.
“Where is she?” Daniel asked.
“Snapper?” Triska called out.
“I don’t see her,” Luna nervously said while holding her legs up close on her chair.
“And that scares me,” Falla added as she did the same.
“Oh no, where did she go?” Specca worried.
“Snapper?” Cindy shouted as looked around anxiously. “Where did you go, Snapper? Snapper!”
“It’s quite alright, Cindy,” Twilight spoke up. “Your little swarm friend is perfectly fine. I believe Alyssa has found her.”
The group turned to see the witch nodding her head slowly while still looking in the drawer. Cindy rushed over and looked inside as well, a relieved smile coming across her face while Clover sighed with a dull expression.
“Let me guess,” the elf dryly spoke up. “She found the pigs.”
“All that’s in here are a few bones and a swarm that’s just smiling at me,” Alyssa answered.
“Clover?” Doku mentioned. “Did you leave that drawer open?”
“Fuck,” Clover muttered.
“Snapper!” Cindy cheered as she picked up the youngling from the drawer. “Don’t run away like that again, I was so scared. Promise me you won’t do that ever again.”
Snapper screeched then began chewing on her chest with tiny growls, the youngling slashing her claws into the wraith’s sandy bosom while Cindy held her close with a loving smile.
“I love you too, Snapper.”
Alyssa just watched the swarm mauling Cindy with a blank expression then looked over to the group as Triska held up a plate of their food with a smirk.
“Got yours right here,” Triska said setting it down. “Enjoy it, because apparently it’s the last we have.”
“A shame,” Kroanette mentioned wiping her mouth with a napkin. “It was really delicious too.”
“We’ll have to stock up on more pork at the next town we visit,” Daniel reasoned with a shrug.
“Aww,” Luna pouted. “No more bacon and no more cookies. That makes me sad.”
“No more cookies?” Alyssa repeated with confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Triska gave me all the yummy cookies,” Cindy told her with a big smile, with Alyssa looking to her with a startled jump. “Now they’re all gone. When are you going to make more? She said you had to make more before I can have more. I want to eat more of them now, please.”
Alyssa turned to Triska in disbelief, the cambion smiling nervously while everyone watched her slumping back in her seat.
“You gave Cindy all my cookies?” Alyssa exclaimed grabbing her hat in distress.
“I was just bonding with her,” Triska sheepishly reasoned with a shrug. “I had to say I was sorry and try to be friendly with her. And it worked. We’re friends now.”
Alyssa glared at her with rage and glowing eyes, the group noticing the witch’s rising anger and almost swearing they could feel it radiating around her before watching Triska shaking a little with a fearful expression.
“Triska,” Alyssa growled heavily while gripping her staff tightly.
“I’m not going to get another break, am I?” Triska worriedly asked, although she already knew
the answer.
Alyssa growled with bared teeth, her skirt and hair fluttering slightly from a magical current that was flowing around the enraged witch. Lowering her head she took a few slow breaths, with everyone fearing the worst as they remained still and quiet while Cindy was merely watching Alyssa curiously with Snapper still mauling her chest. After a pause Alyssa looked up to show a happy smile and started merrily skipping over to the table.
“Alright then,” she said, with the group growing even more concerned about her sudden mood shift. Taking her seat next to Triska she looked to the breakfast on her plate with a cheerful expression. She started eating while avoiding eye contact with the group, chewing her food and murmuring in delight from each bite.
“Alyssa?” Triska nervously asked. “You’re… okay now?”
“I’m fine,” Alyssa assured with a nod. “And this bacon is really good, who made this?”
“A little afraid to answer her,” Clover mentioned.
“Alyssa?” Daniel carefully asked. The witch looked over to him with a happy smile on her face. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, Daniel,” Alyssa replied with a wave of the hand. “I’m just taking this moment to enjoy a special breakfast with my family. Don’t worry about me.”
“You’re not angry with Triska for feeding all of your cookies to Cindy?” Kroanette wondered.
“I’m furious beyond all belief,” Alyssa replied with her smile still standing.
“Oh dear,” Doku nervously said before hiding behind her wing.
Triska shook a little as the witch slowly turned her eyes onto her, the witch’s smile and cheerful expression seeming incredibly hollow as a glimmer of rage was seen behind it.
“I’m really sorry,” Triska whimpered.
“You’re going to be just as soon as I finish eating,” Alyssa said before taking a bite of her bacon, her eyes still locked onto Triska as the teen was turning pale with fear.
“Should… I check back later with you all?” Twilight hesitantly asked.
“That would be wonderful, Twilight,” Alyssa answered while keeping her empty smile aimed at Triska. “Though for your own peace of mind I don’t recommend peering into the bedroom after we’re done eating. I don’t want you to see what happens next.”
“C’mon, haven’t I suffered enough already?” Triska pleaded.
Alyssa chewed her food then swallowed, her lips flinching as she repressed her scowl.
“Triska, you don’t know what suffering is. But I promise you you’re going to know it better than anyone else in all of Eden very shortly.”
“NOOOOO!” Mika screamed as she dashed forward with her sword drawn back, eyes filled with both rage and tears as she charged Rio with murderous intent. She swung her blade at the chuckling monster, each blow being parried by the scorpia’s claws as Rio moved with incredible speed. Not only was she able to fend off the enraged monster hunter with ease but also her equally furious sister. Milly screamed as she struck at the scorpia with her axe, the agile monster dodging the attacks effortlessly while her tail snapped at the human repeatedly. Surrounding monsters in the alleys and court watched with rising laughter as Rio held the two hunters off while watching them throwing all their anger towards her.
“That’s it,” Rio encouraged with her blank expression returning. “Scream for me. Cry. Let me hear the agony your souls are going through. It’s making me so wet right now.”
“YOU MONSTER!” Milly roared as she swung down with her axe, the attack being evaded once again and striking the ground with shattering force.
“I’LL KILL YOU!” Mika swore as she tried relentlessly to strike down the scorpia.
“You both dance horribly,” Rio commented before she dashed around Mika and struck with her tail. The hunter spun around with her blade and parried the strike before holding her hand out towards the monster, a large golden casting ring of spinning glyphs and intertwined lines etching around her palm into it as they crackled with magical energy.
“DIE!” Mika yelled as a four large orbs of crimson light flared up around the circle. Milly jumped away while Mika screamed as a surge of magical energy lit up before her, the crackling magical base glowing with black and red light while Rio stepped back as she kept on guard. Mika made a sharp thrust forward with her hand, the spell she erected blooming with a heavy snap before it suddenly shattered into the air. Milly and Mika stared in surprise at seeing the spell having been negated while Rio merely raised an eyebrow at the hunters.
“From… boredom?” she dryly quipped.
“What happened?” Milly asked. “Why did your spell stop?”
“I don’t understand,” Mika cursed as she looked at her hand. She blinked then looked down with a startle. Milly did the same as they both realized there was a different glow still blooming in the court. It was a large triangular casting base of dark green light illuminating from the bloody courtyard, the spell having distorted glyphs lining the edges while inside was a circle with strange letters wavering along its rim.
“A counter spell?” Mika exclaimed.
“Who’s doing that?” Milly demanded.
“I am,” a voice said from the crowd. The hunters spotted a few witches within the laughing monsters, all of them wearing dark cloaks while having purple skirts underneath. Their feet were clad in dark boots while the hats they wore were black with skeletal hands adorning them. Amidst the giggling monsters one was holding her staff down on the cobblestone where one of the pointed ends of the counter spell was touching, the relic having a raven’s skull on the end with a few blue and yellow crystals hanging from it with colorful ribbons. Her short black hair came down around her ears while her blue eyes were set on the surprised hunters, the magical radiance they were giving off evident by her spellcasting as well as the glowing green diamond focuser she wore on a small steel mantle on her chest.
“Witches?” Mika growled. “I suppose that should come as no surprise. You filthy rats would of course be involved in the likes of this.”
“Allow me to answer both of your questions properly,” the witch retorted with a bitter smile. “My name is Alice, and we are not like the little witches you have hunted before. We are the Blackwell Witches of Zuyuan. A pleasure to meet the infamous Harollson Sisters… or at least the two that are still alive. Haha!”
“Zuyuan?” Mika repeated. “You’re not even from this region. Zuyuan is located to the far east beyond the Opelega Sea. What the hell are you doing here in Nibelvale?”
“We have some sisters in the area,” Alice mocked with a gesture to her kin, the witches giving small curtseys with winks at the hunter. “And we heard of this delightful party happening in the area, so we decided to join in for the fun. You know how much we witches enjoy parties, don’t you?”
“You’re the one that stopped my sister’s spell?” Milly questioned.
“How stupid are you?” Alice dryly replied with a dull expression. “You can clearly see I’m holding the counter spell up right now. Is what little brains you have stored in those huge tits of yours?”
“No, just wanted to make sure I knew who to kill first,” Milly growled. She quickly dashed towards the smirking witch and lifted her axe up high, the girl lunging forward into a downward slash at the little monster with a furious yell.
“Stupid human,” Alice laughed holding her hand out towards the hunter. Milly got within a foot of the monster before freezing in midair, the girl halting instantly with a gasp as she was bound by a magical force.
“What?” she exclaimed as she felt her body held perfectly still. “But how, there’s a counter spell up!”
“You think I can’t cast magic still?” Alice scoffed shaking her head. “You foolish human, it’s my counter spell. I can still use magic in the area without it being blocked by my own incantation.”
“You can’t do that, that’s not possible!” Milly argued.
“Maybe for the weak little spellcasters that reside in this pocket
of the world, but not for us Blackwell Witches,” Alice smirked. “We can negate other magical spells while also channeling our own without any restraint. See?”
Alice waved her hand down sharply, throwing Milly to the ground with a scream. She hit the bloody court with a hard thump before being lifted up into the air again, her axe dropping to the ground with a clang while the girl grunted in pain.
“Just how weak are the witches in this region?” Alice curiously asked before smacking Milly against the ground again, the hunter screaming then weakly glaring at the witch as she was held up in the air again.
“Do none of them know how to deal with pesky monster hunters such as yourself?” Alice asked before slamming Milly down onto her back with a hard throw then lifting her up again.
“Or do you honestly believe we witches are inferior monsters that you can attack with such arrogance?” Alice demanded as she threw Milly down onto the ground again, the hard hit causing the girl to scream just as Mika did.
“NO!” Mika yelled as she dashed towards the witch. Alice lifted Milly up into the air before her, the hunter’s hands twitching slightly while she had blood coming down from her head, and then glanced to Mika with an amused smile.
“LET HER GO!” Mika roared as she closed in, only for Rio to suddenly dash in front of her then strike with her stinger. The hunter blocked the tail with her blade and followed around with two more swipes, each being parried by one of Rio’s claws before the monster rushed to the human’s side and whipped her tail across the girl’s chest, throwing Mika back into a roll along the bloody cobblestones.
“I said I wanted to dance with them,” Rio plainly told Alice. “They were my prey first.”
“Aww,” Alice pouted with a gentle kick of her foot. “But I put up this counter spell to stop her from hurting you. I deserve a little reward for doing a good deed.”
Rio slowly shook her head then looked to Milly, the hunter wearily glaring at them while blood dripped from her mouth.
“You’re all… going to die,” Milly cursed.
Alice scoffed then slammed the girl down on the ground again and again, each loud hit and crack from the girl’s body drawing more laughter from the crowd while Mika screamed in anger.