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Chronicles of Eden - Act III Page 14
Chronicles of Eden - Act III Read online
Page 14
“Would that apology have involved any corporal punishment?” Specca demanded quietly yet sternly.
“Sure sounded like it,” Alyssa answered.
Specca jumped a bit while Squeak just looked at Alyssa curiously, not seeming to know what ‘corporal punishment’ meant.
“Wh… what? You mean… she was getting spanked by Daniel?” Specca whispered frantically.
Squeak jumped then looked to Triska with wide eyes, understanding that phrase perfectly. Alyssa scoffed and waved her hand to the side, causing the curtain to move back over and cut off Squeak from seeing anything. Specca and the ant girl looked at the curtain then to Alyssa with stunned expressions as the witch fluffed her pillow behind her.
“Again, sure sounded like it. Now would you two quiet down and go to sleep?” Alyssa asked dryly before dropping down onto her pillow with a small huff. She held her blanket over her while curling up like a little girl under it, with Squeak and Specca looking back and forth between the curtain and the witch.
“Wha… wait a minute,” Specca whispered as she quickly moved over towards the witch and shook her. “You knew and you didn’t say anything to us? Why not?”
Alyssa sat up and glared at her while knocking the nixie’s hand away.
“Because I didn’t want to deal with you two freaking out like how you are, that’s why- Squeak!” she hushed sternly, glancing to seeing the ant girl holding onto the curtain’s edge again. Squeak looked back to her with worried eyes, seeing very clearly in the darkness the witch watching her with a narrowed stare.
“Don’t you dare disturb them, you know the rules to our arrangement.”
Squeak slowly let go of the curtain while Specca seemed to be struggling to form the right words with a flustered expression.
“I don’t understand… you… you knew she was being spanked by Daniel and you didn’t say anything to us, why not? And why are you so calm about this, I thought you of all of us would be upset that Daniel was-”
“That Daniel was touching her ass?” Alyssa snapped quietly. “That Daniel had Triska bent over his lap and was spanking her in what was likely foreplay for them? Of course I’m upset, I’m angry and I’m jealous and I’m frustrated, just like you.”
“Then why didn’t you do anything about it? Why are you just lying down to go to sleep now?”
“Why do you think?” Alyssa retorted. “There’s nothing I could do, it’s her night with him, we aren’t allowed to interfere with them at all. There’s nothing I could have done or said to stop them from doing that, nor is there anything I can do to take that moment away from them. What’s done is done, all we can do is let the night pass and wait for our turns with him.”
Specca shook her head slowly with a baffled expression as she saw Alyssa laying back down and pulling the blanket over her.
“I must say, Alyssa,” Specca mentioned carefully. “I’m surprised you’re taking this so well. I though you of all of us would be furious about what Triska and Daniel did.”
Alyssa sighed and held onto her pillow while facing the wall of the cabin.
“Just because Triska got a spanking from Daniel doesn’t mean this is over. My turn is coming up soon, and I’m not going to miss out on it by squabbling over what Triska did on hers.”
Specca looked to Squeak then to the curtain, with Squeak making a quiet squeaking noise before looking to the curtain as well. Daniel’s snoring was heard very clearly through the divider, and Triska seemed to have no trouble sleeping next to him even with that loud quirk of his.
“I suppose there is nothing we can do about it,” Specca said softly. “Still, I must admit I’m a bit jealous, my night with Daniel didn’t involve such… physical interaction.”
With a quiet sigh she moved over and laid down on her mat, setting her glasses down next to her pillow and pulling a blanket over herself while her tail slid out the back slightly. Squeak watched the curtain for a while, not saying anything before Specca looked over to see the ant girl just kneeling in front of the divider while remaining silent.
“Squeak? Just get some rest, okay?”
Squeak nodded and slowly crawled over to where she would be sleeping near the doorway, taking her blanket and then curling up into a ball with the blanket resting over her. Specca looked at her with gentle eyes then glanced to Alyssa.
“Alyssa, what happened with you two earlier?”
“Nothing,” Alyssa snapped back quietly while facing away from her still.
“You two were bickering back and forth like usual earlier, then you both walk off after you seemed to fight yet again, but then you come back and practically beg Daniel to give Triska her sword back, and now you’re taking the fact that Daniel was touching Triska’s butt without so much as raising your voice. You’re not behaving normally under the circumstances,” Specca pointed out, with Squeak peeking out from her ball at Alyssa with a curious eye as well. Alyssa remained silent while the two girls watched her curiously, both waiting for an answer or explanation.
“Well?” Specca asked again.
“Specca, go to sleep or else I’m throwing you out to sleep with Lucky,” Alyssa said flatly.
Specca paused for a moment then looked to the curtain again while Squeak let out a small squeak. Alyssa sighed then glanced over to them.
“I was wrong about her.”
“Wrong about her? You mean how you’re always calling her stupid?”
“Not about that,” Alyssa said before looking towards the wall again. “She is pretty stupid, she’s going to get herself killed one of these days. I just know it. I meant I was wrong thinking she didn’t belong out here with us.”
Specca and Squeak looked at her curiously as the witch breathed out slowly.
“That’s why I let her have her night in peace, that’s why I wanted her to have her sword back.”
“I still don’t understand,” Specca said shaking her head.
“She’s worthy of being my rival for Daniel’s heart,” Alyssa said softly.
“What does that mean? And what about Squeak and I, we’re rivals for his heart too you know.”
Alyssa remained quiet while facing away from them, with Specca squinting at the image she believed to be the witch with annoyance.
“Hey, Alyssa, don’t pretend to fall asleep like that, answer me. You do know that we’re just as worthy of being Daniel’s mate as you two are. Hey, Alyssa.”
Alyssa smiled a bit while Specca scoffed and lied down on her pillow, the nixie watching the witch with narrowed eyes while Squeak merely let out a small squeak from inside her ball. Silence filled the cabin, except for Daniel’s loud snoring of course, as the group settled down for the night. As Alyssa slowly started to fall asleep she giggled quietly to herself while holding onto her pillow.
‘She may be worthy of being my rival, but she’s not going to win this fight. Nope nope.’
Emily groaned weakly as she started to awaken, her senses slowly coming back as her hearing began picking up sounds around her. She heard a whimpering sound from next to her; a girl’s shaky crying of sorrow that deeply troubled the child.
“What… what happened?” Emily asked as she slowly started to sit up. She felt herself sitting on some hay, as well as hearing many female voices ahead of her talking amongst each other. Her eyes opened slightly however that didn’t help the girl figure out where she was or what was going on in the least, so she did the only thing she could do, feel around with her hands. It didn’t take her long to find out however, as she quickly felt around to realize that she was in a small wooden cage, with only enough room to sit up on her knees and lay down in. The wooden bars surrounding her were sturdy and secured with rope around the edges and corners, only creaking slightly with each desperate push and shove against them by the young girl.
“What’s going on, where am I?” she asked franticly as she felt around the square cage quickly, panic starting to overcome her as she realized she was trapped.
; “Emily? Are you okay?” Luna asked from nearby, with Emily looking towards the sound of her voice.
“Luna? Luna, where are we, what’s going on?” Emily asked as she scrambled over to the side of her cage, feeling Luna’s hands coming through the bars and holding her.
“I don’t know, but I think we’re in trouble,” Luna said nervously, with Emily feeling the girl sitting beside her. She held onto the butterfly girl the best she could through the bars while whimpering in fear.
“Where are we, what do you see?”
Luna slowly looked around with fright while confined in a cage next to the child. They were imprisoned together along with another captive who was on the other side of Emily’s pen. Beside the human child was a monster girl, appearing to be Luna’s age and height with long blonde hair and blue eyes. Atop her head she had large bunny ears and covering her breasts were cups of white fur that gave the appearance of a furry bra. Aside from that she was naked from the waist up, while below she was covered in white fur as well while she had a cotton ball puffy tail behind her. Her feet were larger than a human’s and padded while her thighs showed more muscle and were meatier than Luna’s. The bunny monster whimpered and looked around fearfully while holding onto the bars of her cage, her eyes seeing the same thing that Luna was seeing.
“Someplace very bad,” Luna whimpered.
Emily held onto her tightly while shutting her eyes, as if to help in hiding from what was around her. Their cages were lined together along with some empty ones, all of them placed at the edge of what appeared to be an encampment of sorts. There were small shelters comprised of wooden beams tied together with rope, slanted against trees and covered in brown foliage, along with a stone slab altar in the middle of the grounds surrounded by tall torches that were all lit, illuminating the camp while under the night sky. And standing by the altar were seven figures, all of whom were causing Luna and the bunny girl to tremble in fear.
“I hear voices, who’s out there?” Emily asked nervously.
Luna held her as close as she could while watching as the seven figures started walking over towards the cages. They stood taller than she did, all of them easily seen to be monsters themselves. Their bodies were covered in gray fur, their large feet shaped like a wolf’s while they had long shaggy tails behind them. They had larger canine ears which were pointed up, hair which flowed freely down to their shoulders ranging from a dull brown to a sharp black, and eyes that were a dark blue. Their noses were extended out slightly like a canine’s, their sharp teeth seen through their faint smiles and smirks they had on their faces. They had darker fur around their eyes, breasts, hips, and feet, aside from that however none of them were wearing any clothing to hide their features in the least. And their hands had sharpened black claws which one of them casually picked her teeth with while eyeing over their captives with a cold smile.
“So,” one commented while glancing over the caged girls. “This was all we managed to find on this night? It’s not much.”
“Better than nothing,” another said with a shrug. “We should have enough for all of us on this night.”
“Who should we start with? They all look very appetizing,” one pondered while kneeling down in front of Luna’s cage, eyeing over the butterfly girl with a cold stare.
“Appetizing?” Luna said shakily. The wolf monster smiled and nodded slowly.
“Yes, we’re having you all for dinner on this night,” she said with a chuckle.
Luna blinked then showed a curious expression.
“Oh? You’re just having us over to eat with? That’s a relief, I thought you were going to eat us,” she said with a weak laugh. Emily trembled while holding onto her as the wolf monster smiled amusedly and shook her head.
“Haha, you are quite the fool indeed,” the monster chuckled. “No no, I did mean we were going to eat you. You’re our dinner.”
Luna turned pale and shakily shook her head while Emily whimpered and held onto her through the bars.
“What?” Luna squeaked out. “But why? We don’t taste good, really we don’t.”
The wolf monster laughed and stood up as two others walked over to the cage for the bunny girl. They opened the side and reached in, pulling the crying and screaming monster out by her arms while Emily shut her eyes tightly as she tried to block out the sounds.
“How do you know? Have you ever eaten one of your kind before?” the wolf monster laughed while the others dragged the bunny girl over towards the altar. Luna whimpered and shook her head before the wolf monster laughed and walked over to join the others while one remained by the cages. The lone wolf glanced to see Luna trembling in her cage, seeing the fright on her face while the human child was whimpering and crying softly.
“It’s nothing personal, mind you,” the wolf said gently. Luna shakily looked at the monster as she kneeled before the cage, the wolf’s blue eyes looking between the two captives with a solemn expression on her face. Her dark hair was brushed and curled slightly behind her while she had her bolas coiled and attached to her hip with a small brown strap.
“We don’t eat to be malicious or evil, we eat to survive. That’s all.”
“But you’re going to eat us, that’ll kill us,” Luna whimpered.
“You eat other things to survive, humans eat other things to survive, what we do is no different,” the wolf pointed out while shaking her head. Luna looked over the monster and leaned back as far as she could in her cage while holding onto Emily through the bars.
“What are you anyway?”
“We are lycans. Queens of the wolves in Eden,” the wolf said with a hint of pride. She then stood up and walked over toward the others as they brought the bunny girl up onto the altar and held her down on it, all of the lycans holding her arms and legs down while she screamed and cried with fearful eyes. The last of the wolves walked over to the altar and looked down to the bunny girl whose head was facing her. The wolf leaned closer while holding the bunny girl’s head still, the helpless monster trembling as she stared up at her with fright.
“Thank you, for the meal,” the lycan said, then lunged down and bit into the bunny’s throat with a hungry growl. The monster cried out weakly before the other lycans quickly leaned down and started feasting on her, chewing into her arms, legs, and stomach with growls and snarls. Luna held Emily close and covered her ears as she heard the dying cries of the bunny girl while the munching and ripping of flesh caused chills to run down her spine. The bunny girl’s hand flailed around behind a lycan that was eating her breast viciously, the hand then shaking before slowly falling limp and hanging over the altar. Blood dripped down the arm and hand before dropping off the fingers while more blood started to form around the dead monster and drip down along the altar. Luna slowly shook her head as she watched the seven lycans devouring the bunny monster, all of their tails wagging while they ate all the meat they could from the poor monster’s body.
“No… please no,” Luna whimpered.
“What’s happening? What’s going on, Luna?” Emily cried as she held onto the butterfly girl, fearful to know the answer. Luna held her close and kept her hands covering the girl’s ears, not wishing for Emily to hear what would be their fate soon.
The lycans continued to eat while blood began to form around the altar from their kill. They viciously chewed off any and all flesh they could find, their teeth scraping and gnawing on the bones of their victim as they feasted. After a long while they finally finished and stood upright, licking the blood from their hands and lips while Luna’s eyes widened with fright. The bunny girl had been reduced to a skeleton with scraps of flesh and organs that the lycans didn’t care for, even the ears were gone as they were devoured by the wolves too. Luna screamed with horror as she saw what remained of the bunny girl, with the lycans then picking up the corpse and tossing it over to the side. The bones hit the ground before an arm and a leg snapped free from their joints and rolled away, with Luna staring at the remains with sheer terror while Emily was
holding onto her tightly.
“What happened? What happened?” Emily asked while crying.
“They ate her! They ate her!” Luna cried out, with Emily then screaming as she shut her eyes tightly and shook her head. Some of the lycans laughed at the sight of them crying out in fear while a few others fetched some clay urns from a nearby shelter. They then poured water onto the altar to wash away the blood, the tainted water flowing down the edges of the stone slab and onto the ground.
“That was rather good,” one of them complimented. “Where did you find that one, Forrus?”
The lycan with the bolas on her hips glanced to her then shrugged as she put away her clay urn.
“I found that one wandering alone in a field, perhaps in search of a carrot or two. It was rather easy for me to catch her, she seemed to be daydreaming a little too much out in the open.”
“Yeah, not bad, but I’m still hungry,” another mentioned while eyeing the two remaining captives with a cold smile.
“You’re always hungry, Fiana,” Forrus said dryly while glancing to her. Fiana laughed and shrugged while licking some remaining blood from her fingers.
“No, I’m always horny. I just like to be running on a full stomach rather than an empty one.”
“Well we have two more meals for the night,” one of the lycans mentioned as the pack walked over towards the cages again. “Your problem should be easily remedied, at least the hunger part.”
Luna trembled and shook her head as Emily continued to cry while holding onto her.
“No, please,” Luna pleaded. “I don’t want to get eaten, and neither does she.”
“Oh, you hear that?” Fiana mocked. “They don’t want to get eaten. I guess we have to set them free then.”
“Let’s start with the butterfly, the other one can be our dessert,” one of them suggested.
“I agree, more meat on that one,” another said as she opened Luna’s cage.
“No! No! I don’t wanna get eaten!” Luna cried out as she was grabbed and dragged out of the crate, with Emily reaching out towards her desperately through the bars.