chronicles of eden - act I Read online

Page 18

  Triska slowly got up and shook her head, looking towards the carriage with a glare that shifted into a sly grin.

  "But… I thought…" Alyssa said looking back towards the girl on the path. Daniel shook his head then quickly jumped out of the carriage, the boy then running over to his friend. Alyssa clapped her hands to get the carriage to stop then looked back to the pieces of chocolate.

  ‘She really was going to just give me candy… then… why did she look at me like that?’

  She blinked then growled with anger, realizing Triska's little ploy.

  ‘That filthy human… she set me up!’

  She clenched her fists and looked out to see Daniel running up to Triska. The blonde haired girl said something to him before he held her in a gentle hug. Triska held him then waved a bit behind to Alyssa from behind his back. Alyssa looked to the sword and dagger on the ground then to the chocolate.

  ‘She knew I would throw her out if she tried anything… that loudmouthed bitch, how dare she make me look like the monster here!’

  Triska and Daniel walked back to the carriage, the two then climbing back into it with the boy looking at Alyssa with discontent while Triska watched her with worried eyes.

  "What was that for, Alyssa? I was only giving you some of my chocolate," Triska said innocently as she sat down against her duffel bag. Daniel sat next to her and looked over her carefully, seeing the girl's arm bleeding a bit. Alyssa looked at the two with worry then down with a bit of frustration.

  "Alyssa, why did you do that? She even put her weapons down to show you she wasn't going to do anything," Daniel scolded the witch with as he brought out some bandages from his backpack. While he was rummaging through the bag Triska smiled slyly at Alyssa, the witch holding in her growl with all her might. Daniel pulled out some bandages and ointment as Triska looked to him worriedly, showing a timid expression as she feigned discomfort.

  "But… I thought she was going to…" Alyssa said nervously.

  "Going to do what? She put her sword and dagger down to show you she wanted peace. And you still threw her out like before. Why? She got hurt this time, Alyssa. I told you before to treat her with respect, and you attack her for offering a truce with you," Daniel argued while he bandaged up Triska's arm. Alyssa looked at him with worry then to Triska, the teen smiling and winking at the witch.

  "I'm ok, Daniel, really. You don't need to trouble yourself for me," Triska said as she glanced to her hand which had some dirt and blood on it still. She smirked at Alyssa then rubbed the blood on the side of her head. Daniel shook his head and looked to her with a worried smile.

  "It's no trouble, I'm just- oh god, your head is bleeding too," he said looking to see the dirt and blood near the girl's temple. She held a hand to it and jumped a bit while feigning surprise.

  "Oh my, you're right. I didn't even feel that," she said worriedly. Daniel reached back to get some more bandages while Triska smiled arrogantly at Alyssa, the witch having her teeth bared as she struggled to keep her anger in check. Daniel pulled out a cloth and started gently wiping the blood and dirt from Triska’s head. She looked at him with a timid smile while Alyssa held onto her staff tightly with both hands, glaring at Triska with anger.

  "Alyssa, I told you before to stop doing that and you didn't listen. She could have been seriously hurt again," Daniel said looking over to the witch. She jumped a bit and looked at him with worried eyes.

  "But, Daniel, she did that on purpose. She wanted me to throw her out to make me look bad," she whined.

  "I was just giving you some of my chocolate from home, how is that an invitation to attack me like that?" Triska asked timidly. Daniel wiped away the blood and dirt then looked to Alyssa with discontent.

  "You need to stop doing that, do you understand me? You can't just treat my friend like that," he said sternly. Alyssa nodded slowly while Triska held in her laughter. After a moment she wavered then leaned against Daniel, the boy holding her and looking to her with concern.

  "Oh wow… I felt a bit dizzy there," Triska said weakly as she looked up to him with gentle eyes.

  "Are you ok?" Daniel asked as he held the girl up. Triska nodded and sat up, then wavered before falling back against her bag.

  "Just… need to lie down for a bit. I'm fine, really," she said while looking to him with a weak smile. Daniel showed a worried expression for his friend’s condition then looked over to Alyssa with discontent.

  "But, Daniel, she's faking," Alyssa pleaded pointing to the girl.

  "No more, Alyssa, you got that?" he demanded sternly. The witch looked at him with timid eyes then down as she nodded slowly.

  "Ok, Daniel," she said softly. Daniel sighed and sat back against the duffel bag next to Triska. She started to get up before she fell off to the side and landed against him, her head resting against his chest.

  "Triska, are you ok?" he asked worriedly. She nodded slowly then glanced up to him.

  "Sorry… just a bit dizzy," she said wearily. Alyssa growled quietly through bared teeth while Triska lay against Daniel's chest with a soft smile. Daniel held her gently as she glanced to the witch with a gleam in her eye.

  "Are you sure? Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked. She smirked at the witch then looked up at him with gentle eyes.

  "I'll be ok, just… let me rest for a minute," she said before laying her head back down against his chest. He held her gently as he watched her with concern. Triska however was smiling smugly as she glanced to Alyssa, her expression hidden by the angle her head she was at. Alyssa held in her growl the best she could while clutching her staff, contemplating launching the human girl high into the air and watching her fall back down onto the hard ground below. Daniel held his friend gently then looked to Alyssa with a small dull glare.

  "Alyssa, you need to apologize to her. She did nothing to warrant that attack," he said sternly. Alyssa jumped a bit then looked at Triska with frustration and worry. Triska snickered softly to herself then batted her eyelashes at the witch with an innocent smile, waiting to hear the witch apologize by Daniel’s order. Alyssa growled quietly then looked down.

  "Fine. I'm… sorry, Triska," she grumbled through her teeth.

  "It's ok, Alyssa, don't worry about me. I'm feeling much better now," Triska said softly, narrowing her eyes at the witch with a calm smile. Alyssa slowly sat back and nodded, then clapped her hands to get Lucky running again. The horse took off and resumed the trek towards Ashwood while Alyssa kept her eyes on Triska closely. Daniel looked down at his friend as she held on gently to his arm.

  "I hope this is the last time you two start a fight like that. I want us all to get along here. Triska, you're my best friend, I would never think you're worthless out here with us, if anything I'm counting on you the most. And Alyssa, you're the first monster that agreed to help us, I know you have a good heart in you, you've shown me that much. I could really use both of your help with this journey, so please, no more fighting between you two, alright?" Daniel asked while looking between the two. The girls watched each other with dull expressions for a moment then nodded slowly.

  "Alright, Daniel. I'll… try for you," Alyssa said slowly while looking down.

  "If you say so, Daniel," Triska said softly as she looked back out at passing scenery behind them. Daniel nodded and looked up with a quiet sight while the two girls glanced to each other cautiously, both of them knowing there wouldn't be peace between them so easily.


  As Lucky ran along the dirt road towards the human city Alyssa and Triska were watching each other closely. Both of them wanted to remain on Daniel's good side, and didn't want to do anything for him to think less of them. Triska glanced up at Daniel with gentle eyes as he was watching the path behind them, his gaze seeming unfocused as he sat there in thought. After a moment he felt her eyes on him, and looked to her with a gentle smile.

  "How are you feeling?" he asked. She smiled softly and nodded.

  "Much better, thank you," she said quietly.<
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  "I'm glad to hear it. By the way, what was it you were trying to tell me earlier?" he asked. Triska jumped a bit then glanced over to Alyssa, the witch eyeing her closely with a quiet snarl.

  "Well…" Triska said looking back to him. Alyssa gripped her staff as it started to glow orange slightly.

  "Triska?" Daniel asked softly. She looked at him with gentle eyes then smiled softly. Alyssa slowly raised her staff up slightly as it glowed, glaring at the teen with purple eyes that gave off a purple hue.

  "The truth is, Daniel…" Triska said softly as she looked into his eyes, feeling her heart beating faster. Alyssa glanced to Daniel then back to the girl again.

  "You need to know… that… I…" Triska said as she tried to force the words to come out. Daniel watched her curiously while Alyssa eyed the girl closely. After a moment Triska took a deep breath.

  "That I lo-" she started before the carriage rocked from a bump suddenly, the two bouncing back as Alyssa jumped over and landed against Daniel with a surprised expression. She blinked then looked up at Daniel with a slight smile.

  "Wow, big bump," she said with a giggle. Triska growled then glared at the witch with fury.

  "Stop doing that, Alyssa! I'm going to tell him and you can't stop me!" she yelled out. Alyssa looked to the girl with narrowed eyes as Daniel looked between the two puzzled.

  "Hey, don't get mad at me, I didn't do anything," Alyssa said firmly.

  "What? What are you talking about Triska?" Daniel asked shaking his head.

  Suddenly the carriage bumped again more violently, the two teens bouncing back against the duffel bag as Alyssa was launched out the back of the cart, screaming as she dropped into a tumble onto the path.

  "Alyssa!" Daniel cried out. Triska watched with surprise as the witch rolled to a stop on the worn dirt path, holding her staff while coughing weakly.

  ‘What… why did she knock herself out of the carriage?’

  "Lucky, stop!" Daniel called out as he darted over and grabbed the reins, snapping them as he looked back out to the witch that was lying on the ground behind them. The horse neighed and started slowing down as the two watched Alyssa slowly get up.

  "Alyssa! Are you ok?" Daniel called out.

  The witch shook her head and slowly gripped her staff, then climbed back to her feet. She had a few cuts and bruises on her legs as her eyes slowly focused again.

  "What the… I didn't cause those bumps," she said softly to herself. Suddenly her foot dropped down through the ground, the girl yelping with surprise as her leg seemed to move freely under the dirt. She watched with wide eyes as the ground around her started to crack with the dirt shifting around a bit. A large crack split open nearby, the crevice crackling as it erratically drew across the path towards the now stationary carriage. Daniel and Triska watched the crack with wide eyes as it ripped through the ground below them.

  "What… is going on?" Daniel said worriedly. The ground started to rumble slightly as Lucky let out another neigh. Triska looked at the ground with wide eyes then over to Alyssa.

  "Alyssa?" she asked curiously. Alyssa looked to them with surprise, and then dropped down through the ground with a loud scream. She vanished down into the dirt as the ground around her started to drop down with a loud rumble.

  "Alyssa!" Daniel shouted out.

  The ground below the carriage started to rumble violently as chunks of the path suddenly dropped down below. Daniel and Triska looked with surprise as Lucky cried out in front of the carriage. He started to run forward before the ground below broke apart, the carriage then dropping back halfway into a large hole forming behind them. Daniel fell back and grabbed the edge of the carriage in back while Triska bounced towards and out of the opening. He grabbed her hand as she swung out in midair, and then looked down with wide eyes. Triska saw the path behind them falling apart and dropping down into what appeared to be a tunnel underground while being held up by Daniel. It was a rather large tunnel as the entire carriage, that was half leaning over the edge of the broken crevice, could easily fit inside of it with plenty of room for another just like it. Lucky started running and scampering in place as the carriage rocked back and forth while the ground around the path collapsed into the underground tunnel. Daniel looked over and saw Alyssa lying on the floor of the tunnel with rocks and dirt dropping around her, the witch seeming to be unconscious as the rumbling slowly stopped.

  "Alyssa!" Daniel called out. Triska looked over to see the witch lying on the ground below with surprise.

  ‘She really didn't cause those bumps… then what the hell is this?’

  "Triska, are you ok?" Daniel asked as he tried pulling her back into the carriage. It started to rock more while Lucky kept trying to pull the ride back up. Two of its wheels were hitting against the edge of the hole as they tried to roll back up, not seeming to be able to hop back onto level ground.

  "I think so… what happened?" Triska asked as Daniel pulled her back up to him. He looked around then back to the witch who was lying out cold on the ground down below.

  "I'm not sure, but we have to get her out of there," he said looking back to Lucky, the horse still trying to pull the carriage out. Lucky let out a neigh before the straps around him started to stretch and rip. The two teens watched with wide eyes as one of the straps ripped apart and snapped off.

  "Oh-" Daniel said quietly.

  "Shit," Triska said as the remaining straps tore apart. The horse bolted forward while the carriage dropped back into the hole and flipped over, crashing onto the ground upside down inside the large tunnel. Triska and Daniel were thrown around inside along with their belongings before slamming down onto the roof, which was now the floor.

  "AHHHH!" Triska yelled out from next to Daniel. He shook his head from the impact and then looked over towards his friend, his eyes widening as he saw the reason for her scream.

  "Triska!" he cried out as he saw the girl holding her leg, which now had her dagger dug into it from the fall. Near her the girl's sword was struck into the floor, the blade having just missed her head. She screamed in pain as the small blade was pierced into her leg above her knee, her blood dripping down onto the floor. She grabbed the handle and yanked the blade out, then gripped the bleeding wound as she cringed with bared teeth. Daniel rushed over and looked at her with worry as she tried to fight off the pain.

  "Dammit… by my own blade, you've got to be kidding me," she muttered as she struggled to hold in her screams. Being a fighter from her village she was well used to pain during her exercises and training, however that didn't take away the fact that a dagger to the leg still hurts like hell.

  "Oh man, is it serious?" Daniel asked.

  “It missed the bone, that’s a plus… I think,” Triska said between deep breaths. She scooted over towards her duffel bag and reached in, pulling out a small tin box with a red cross on the top. Rummaging through the bag without looking she pulled out a bottle of liquid, the girl yanking the cork out with her teeth, then poured a bit on the wound. She flinched and held her in her screams with bared teeth as she set the bottle down, then applied ointment to the wound. Daniel quickly pulled out some bandages from his backpack and started rolling them around the girl's leg as she focused on controlling her breathing. He finished up then looked towards the tunnel outside the damaged carriage as daylight was shining down from the opening above.

  "I'll be right back, I'm going to go get Alyssa," he said quickly. Triska nodded then scooted over to her bag, leaning against it while holding her leg. She shook her head with frustration then grabbed her sword, then using the blade pushed herself up to her feet. Daniel watched with awe as she fought the pain, breathing heavily for a moment before she sheathed her dagger back at her hip and yanked her sword up into her hand. She may have been wounded, but she lived up to the reputation of a fighter with her high pain tolerance.

  "Triska? Maybe you should take it easy right now," he said worriedly. She shook her head then sheathed her blade behind her with a determined express

  "I'll be alright. C'mon, let's go make sure she's still alive," she assured. Daniel nodded in agreement, the two then quickly heading out of the carriage. They ran, or at least Daniel ran while Triska limped quickly, over to where Alyssa was lying on the ground. She was unconscious as she lay on the loose dirt and rocks, having a bit of blood on her head as well as her legs. Her staff was still in her hand, although loosely held.

  "Oh no, Alyssa!" Daniel called out as he knelt down beside her and looked her over. Triska looked at the witch with wonder then up towards where the carriage fell from. Daniel shook Alyssa a bit then examined her body worriedly. Nothing appeared to be broken, and her injuries seemed to be minor, however she was out cold from the fall.

  "She's still breathing, that’s a lucky break. She's lucky one of those rocks didn't smash her head in," he said looking around at all the large chunks of debris from the fallen ceiling.

  "Weird… what's this tunnel doing here anyway? I wasn't aware of any mining or excavating projects around the plains," Triska said looking around. It was certainly a larger underground passageway, with both ends extending deep into darkness where light from above couldn't shine to. Prairie dogs would dig tunnels, sure, but nothing of this size.

  "I have no idea, but we need to get her out of here. Lucky will probably be waiting for us up above, at least he's not injured too," Daniel said looking up to the opening.

  "I'll grab our things, then we can try to climb out of here or something," Triska said walking slowly back towards the carriage. She glanced to see Daniel lifting the unconscious witch into his arms while holding onto her staff, the boy looking at her with worried eyes. Triska glanced to Alyssa then to Daniel.

  ‘You really are chivalrous, Daniel, she doesn't deserve you.’

  She then walked back towards the damaged carriage while Daniel looked around with curious eyes.