Chronicles of Eden - Act X Read online

Page 27

  Luna opened her mouth to speak before Falla clamped a hand over it and quickly shook her head in fright.

  “Don’t you dare correct her otherwise you’re next on that thing,” she desperately hushed her sister.

  Alyssa took a slow breath then turned to the girls with a dark glare, all of them slowly backing up a bit and sticking closer together as they felt as though they were in the presence of a Darker One.

  “But there are some lines that must never be crossed,” Alyssa continued with a scowl. “Some crimes that simply cannot go unpunished. And for that I will reluctantly and with great remorse accept the role of peacekeeper in our happy household, even if it means I have to get a little rough with you all to make these lessons stick in your heads.”

  “A little?” Specca repeated in disbelief.

  “Don’t touch Daniel inappropriately when you’re not allowed to,” Alyssa stated striking her staff onto the ground with a sharp clack. “Don’t be cruel to each other. Don’t hurt one another. And most importantly, DON’T TAKE MY COOKIES!”

  “I’m so scared right now,” Luna whined hiding her face in Falla’s shoulder.

  “We all are, Luna,” Falla shakily replied while holding her close. “We all are.”

  “Alyssa, have mercy,” Specca quietly pleaded. “Please. We’re begging you.”

  “Cookie thieves receive no mercy,” Alyssa growled. She turned to Triska who was still shaking and whimpering on the bench, the girl’s unfocused gaze aimed upward as she appeared on the brink of losing touch with reality. “Triska has been a very bad girl, and as such she needs to be taught a lesson that I sincerely hope she never has to learn again.”

  “Hey,” Clover said from behind as she and Doku walked over. “You’ll never believe what else we- HOLY FLYING FUCKING SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?”

  “Triska!” Doku screamed in horror as they stared in shock at their co-mate. “What in Eden happened to her?”

  “She gave my cookies to Cindy,” Alyssa answered, with the elf and harpy turning to her in fright. “And that was a big no-no in our home. Yes it was.”

  “What have you done to her?” Clover cried out. “Are you insane? Where did you even get this shit from anyway?”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “How can we not be worried?” Clover demanded waving to Triska. “What the hell is all this?”

  “It’s a bad girl stool,” Alyssa replied looking to Triska. “Reserved only for the worst crimes committed in our happy home. The top is covered with a powerful aphrodisiac, her butt-plug is also coated with it, those ropes get tighter every time she makes a sound, those chains-”

  “You’re a demon!” Clover cried out pointing to Alyssa. “That’s all there is to it! Demon!”

  “Why… why, Alyssa?” Doku sniveled.

  “She gave all my cookies away, and for that she must pay,” Alyssa answered walking closer to Triska. “Four hour minimum sentence with good behavior, if she’s lucky, and she will take this time to think about her big, big mistake very carefully or else she’ll get worse next time.”

  “Worse than this?” Clover repeated. “You mean death?”

  “Triska, are you alright?” Doku nervously asked.

  “Does she look alright to you?” Falla shouted at the harpy.

  “Wait, the stand and her butt-plug have an aphrodisiac on them?” Specca asked. “Isn’t that going to make her feel good, not bad?”

  “It will,” Alyssa agreed with a nod. “However her punishment doesn’t allow her to climax. The ropes and clamps on her are surely pushing her closer to the edge, but she knows very well she’s not allowed to cum until I say so. If she has a single orgasm before then she’ll get worse for much longer. She’s going to hold it all in until I say so, or else.”

  “Fucking hell,” Clover breathed out while staring at Triska in shock. “You’re sadistic.”

  “SHE COST ME ALL MY COOKIES!” Alyssa yelled stomping her foot. “That is not acceptable, never never never! Bad girls get punished in this home, you all know this! She’s going to take what’s coming her way and learn that nobody takes my cookies from me and gets away with it!”

  “Oh… my…” Doku whimpered while feeling her legs wobbling. “This… is too extreme for me.”

  “I think it’s too extreme for Triska!” Clover cried out. “This is just crazy to even look at! Isn’t Falla the only one here who gets off on shit like this? Does this kind of torture really excite you, girl?”

  “This is not what I have in mind when I talk about bondage,” Falla quickly argued shaking her head. “I want to be able to enjoy it, not pray for death the entire time.”

  “Triska?” Luna whimpered as she peeked over at her co-mate. “Are you going to be okay? Triska?”

  Triska sputtered around her gag and trembled as she used all her willpower not to climax, her body feeling both aroused and in pain to an unbearable degree as she felt her hips shaking on their own while sitting on the pointed metal with the slime rubbing into her. Beside her within the girl’s mind Kitten was staring in shock at her counterpart, watching as Triska remained in place during her punishment while bound with only rope and chains.

  “Why, Triska?” Kitten asked in disbelief. “You could get free from this, I know you could. You could break free from this and make that witch take that damn thing out of your ass without any trouble. Why… why are you enduring this?”

  ‘I… deserve… it,’ Triska shakily replied in her mind.

  “I don’t understand. Why allow Alyssa to do such things to you like this so willingly?”

  ‘I… deserve… it.’

  Kitten struggled to understand her counterpart’s reasoning while Triska made no effort to free herself from her punishment. She didn’t even fight Alyssa in the slightest when she was brought into the bedroom and shown what was going to happen to her. Kitten had watched in bewilderment as Triska obediently did as Alyssa said, allowing the witch to bind and gag her atop the bench and then remain there just as she was told to do.

  “Triska…” Kitten softly said. “I want to understand, I do. But… why…”

  ‘I deserve… it,” Triska repeated while feeling her loins burning. ‘I am not above our rules… nobody is… and I will… obey them.’

  “Good girls follow the rules, don’t they?” Kitten quietly wondered as she looked down in thought. “Even if it’s going to completely fuck up their mind and ass in the process.”


  Triska continued to endure her punishment as she knew very well she had it coming. Granted, this form of discipline that Alyssa had somehow pulled out of nowhere was a little frightening to her, but she still accepted it as she knew that she did cross a line by giving Cindy all of Alyssa’s cookies. The witch had made it clear to everyone in multiple ways that her cookies were her favorite snack, and those that took them without permission were always reprimanded in some way.

  “Holy fuck,” Clover said while steadying her breath. “That’s… seriously, where did all of that even come from?”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Alyssa replied. She shook her head at Triska then looked to the others curiously while they watched Triska with remorseful eyes. “Anyway, what are you all doing in here? You knew I would be busy dealing with her right now.”

  “Um, well,” Clover said glancing to the witch. “Doku and I were going to let you know we went through and labeled all the drawers and cupboards in the kitchen with what they had. Although now I’m thinking I need to make a very large warning label to put on your cookie jar, Alyssa.”

  “That would be nice of you,” Alyssa agreed with a nod.

  “Can I… please help soothe her-” Doku begged as she stepped forward, only for Alyssa to hold her staff out in front of the harpy and shake her head. Doku sighed and stepped back as she lowered her head, her unseen eyes peeking at Triska through her hair while she felt her heart aching for the girl’s troubles.

  Specca blinked then looked down while
covering her eyes, trying not to think about the torture Triska was going through or how Alyssa was so readily prepared to sentence her to such punishment, then turned away from the difficult sight while remembering other dire events that had recently taken place.

  “I’m afraid we came to let you know of some troubling news,” she regrettably said. “It appears Cindy had just come from Ruhelia before meeting us. And… she said it was… destroyed.”

  “What?” Alyssa asked looking at her in wonder. “Destroyed?”

  “Kroanette’s home?” Doku gasped as she turned to the nixie, both to put the view of Triska behind her and to look at Specca in surprise. “The centaur kingdom? It’s… it’s gone?”

  “What are you talking about?” Clover asked as she did the same while watching Specca carefully.

  “Cindy told us how she came from Ruhelia after it was attacked,” Falla told them. “Apparently there were a lot of bad monsters there and they... they wiped out the kingdom.”

  “She said Ruhelia is gone now,” Luna whimpered.

  “Are you sure about this?” Alyssa asked shaking her head. “Cindy’s not exactly the brightest thinker, she probably never even-”

  “She saw Kroanette’s sister, Hollia,” Specca said glancing back to her. “Described her perfectly along with the sight of centaur statues in the kingdom that were being knocked down. She knew where Ruhelia was, identified it on the map, and the path she was taking through The Outerlands matched up with where we found her the other day. She was there, Alyssa.”

  Alyssa, Clover, and Doku looked to each other in disbelief then to the girls as they all lowered their heads in remorse.

  “You’re saying her home is gone?” Clover carefully asked. “The centaur kingdom was wiped out by monsters?”

  “That’s what Cindy said,” Specca worried. “Kroanette ran off to see for herself. Pip’s flying ahead to find her while Daniel and Squeak are driving the carriage towards Ruhelia as we speak. With the detour we took the other day we’ll be there before nightfall. We’re going to see for ourselves if Ruhelia really was…”

  “Oh my word,” Doku breathed out in sorrow. “I pray Cindy merely imagined such a horrible thing.”

  “How could the entire kingdom be destroyed like that?” Clover asked. “What monsters attacked them?”

  “We don’t know,” Specca said with a shrug. “Cindy only said she saw lots of monsters attacking that place and that it was burned to the ground. She didn’t say what kind of monsters were doing it.”

  “Centaurs are neutral in the world,” Alyssa pointed out. “They don’t fight with any monster races or even the humans. They don’t go to war, period.”

  “Well it seems war may have come to them,” Specca replied shaking her head. “We’ll know for sure tonight. Hopefully Cindy was mistaken with what she saw. Otherwise…”

  “Kroanette,” Doku said looking around at the girls. “She… oh dear, she’ll be absolutely devastated if that’s true.”

  “Where is Cindy?” Clover asked looking around.

  “She’s with Snapper in the library,” Falla said looking back behind them. “She seemed upset too, mostly because she didn’t know we were going to Ruhelia or that was Kroanette’s home. She’s actually feeling sad for Kroanette.”

  “We’re going to keep them company for now,” Specca added as she and Star took a few steps into the court. “We just wanted to let you all know what was happening and that we’ll be at Ruhelia… or what’s left of it, by tonight.”

  “Please don’t kill Triska before we get there,” Falla dryly said, giving Triska one last sympathetic look before leading Luna off with the two girls. Alyssa, Clover, and Doku watched them head into the library then turned to each other in question of what they heard.

  “This doesn’t seem right,” Alyssa said shaking her head. “How could Ruhelia fall under attack? That’s the centaur kingdom we’re talking about. Even though they don’t go to war they surely would have been able to defend themselves with the amount of spears they have.”

  “I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Clover mentioned while looking to the doorway that had its handles glowing red.

  “What are we to do now?” Doku worried. “This was certainly not something I was prepared for this morning.”

  The three girls remained silent as they wondered what they were heading closer towards then noticed Triska finally losing her resolve as she moaned loudly, the girl drooling around her gag while thrashing about in her binds. She felt her orgasm hitting extremely hard, her senses being knocked out while she couldn’t form any thoughts whatsoever. Even Kitten’s voice became muffled to her as she trembled violently with multiple waves of pleasure breaking free within her. Alyssa watched the teen crying out and bucking her hips then turned to Clover and Doku as they glanced to her worriedly.

  “Clover, please put a nice warning label on my cookie jar so nobody else has to suffer her fate,” Alyssa requested, with Clover slowly nodding and fearing such a fate herself.

  “Doku, please go keep the others company,” Alyssa continued. “Honestly, the idea of Ruhelia being attacked and destroyed still seems too crazy to believe. I’m going to hold onto hope that Cindy was mistaken with what she saw, and we all should too.”

  “O… okay,” Doku unsurely replied.

  “You two stay with the others and try to keep calm about this,” Alyssa said looking over to the library. “Until we can see for ourselves that Ruhelia was met with such misfortune we shouldn’t get worked up over what could be a big misunderstanding.”

  “What are you going to do?” Clover cautiously asked.

  “Triska’s not done with her punishment yet,” Alyssa answered as she turned to face the teen. “Not even close.”

  “What are you going to do to her next?” Doku feared.

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  Doku opened her mouth to speak before Clover took her by the shoulder and guided her away.

  “Just don’t look, Doku,” Clover suggested. “Don’t look back. Whatever you do, don’t look back.”

  The two walked off together while Alyssa slowly approached Triska, the teen moaning loudly into her gag before her weary eyes turned to see the witch glaring at her.

  “Did I say you were done?” Alyssa demanded.

  Triska whimpered and shook her head.

  “You know what that means?”

  Triska slowly nodded with drool coming off her chin.

  “I really am not going to enjoy this, Triska,” Alyssa warned as her eyes gave off a soft glow. “But I need to make sure you never make this mistake again. So I’m going to have to be a little rough with you, you need to understand that. And you need to understand that I’m going to engrave it into your mind to never, ever, ever touch my cookies again without my permission. Do you hear me?”

  Triska shakily nodded while trembling atop the stand. Alyssa slowly breathed out then walked closer while the cambion dreaded what was about to happen to her. Even Kitten was cautiously watching the witch from within Triska’s mind, seeing the little girl walking closer to their body through the blurry vision of Triska all while being thankful she wasn’t able to feel any of what had happened or what was about to happen next.

  “And they say I’m a demon,” she spoke to herself, then jumped in surprise as she watched Alyssa continuing Triska’s punishment that she was certainly thankful for not being able to feel herself.


  Gathered near the base of the grand tree of Green Haven elves were forced to witness another brutal spectacle against their will. Although nobody dared to spark an all-out war with their captors over the death of their priestess the elves were feeling their urges to lash out at the oppressive monsters rising, especially after all the high maidens were hung by the neck nearby and beaten with clubs by goblins and trolls in front of everyone. Not only that but their replenishing water supply that was given by the magical gateway above the temple was now gone, apparently having been destroyed duri
ng a particular elf’s escape earlier. Even though they were surrounded and outnumbered by The Sisterhood the idea of obeying these unsavory monsters was becoming harder and harder to stomach. But it wasn’t just the endless amount of brutes and fiends that had taken residence in their forest that instilled terror and anger in the elves, it was also the two leaders of the horde who by themselves were just as terrifying and cruel.

  “Okay,” Jovian called out as she and her sister stood on a wooden stage before the crowd with their masks on. “We, and by that I mean all of you, have a problem. A very big one in fact.”

  “It’s just the most terrible thing ever,” Jacqueline mocked with a sneer at the elves. “Not only did your priestess paint the grass red over there with her corpse, but it seems her own daughter has now gone missing.”

  The elves started whispering in worried tones about the young girl, all praying she had somehow escaped the forest towards any fate other than being trapped there.

  “And this problem is all of yours as well,” Jovian said pointing around to The Sisterhood. “I think we all need a refresher on who’s in charge here, don’t we? Who brought everyone here together as good friends? Who helped you lowly monsters step out of the wastelands and shadows of this world towards a brighter future?”

  “Who has so graciously given you men, food, land, and such wondrous entertainment?” Jacqueline asked. “Who is helping you reclaim what is rightfully yours? Who is helping you bring the humans in this world to their knees? Who, we ask you.”

  “You!” the horde of followers cheered out. The elves glanced around at The Sisterhood with frustrated growls then turned to the gemini as they gracefully bowed to the gathering.

  “And why do we do it?” Jovian asked. “Why, because we’re so nice that way. We like to have fun after all, we’re thrill seekers. And honestly we’re having an amazing time partying with all of you.”