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Chronicles of Eden - Act X Page 3
Chronicles of Eden - Act X Read online
Page 3
“Don’t bite,” he kindly said. “Please, Snapper. Let go.”
Snapper purred softly then let go of Daniel’s erection, the girls around them breathing out in relief as the swarm watched Daniel curiously while holding onto his hands. Daniel smiled then carefully lifted the youngling up, cradling her in his arms with her feet bobbing over the side and her wings buzzing beneath her. The girls watched in wonder as he chuckled and gently held the youngling’s hand. Snapper purred and snapped her teeth while holding onto his hand, her eyes fluttering slightly as she appeared to become docile in his arms.
“That’s a good girl,” he gently praised. “You’re not a mean monster, are you?”
“Daniel, how do you do that?” Triska asked in awe.
“Only you could stop a swarm with just words,” Alyssa complimented.
Daniel shrugged with an amused smile to that then noticed Cindy staring at something beneath Snapper with puzzlement. She tilted her head in question then sat up and grabbed hold of Daniel’s genitals with both hands.
“What is this thing?” she asked before she did something that made Daniel squeal with a flushed face that he promptly dropped to the side with a thump from feeling.
“Don’t crush it!” Falla cried out as she and Squeak rushed to pry Cindy’s firm grip on Daniel’s erection and balls off, something they couldn’t do while she merely stared at what she was holding with a curious expression.
“Cindy, let him go!” Kroanette screamed. “Don’t grab him there!”
“Daniel? Are you okay?” Luna worried as she and Specca rushed over to Daniel’s side. He had his eyes shut tight while straining not to scream, his arms trembling while Snapper was watching him with a curious gurgle from against his chest.
“Cindy!” Triska yelled as she unsheathed her sword.
“Fire!” Cindy screamed.
“AHHH!” Daniel squealed.
“Dan!” Clover cried out.
“Boobies!” Pip cheered while hopping about in Kroanette’s bosom.
“Pip!” Kroanette scolded her.
“Let him go! You’re hurting him!” Falla ordered.
Squeak squeaked loudly while struggling to pull Cindy’s hands away.
“Cindy, please stop holding him like that!” Doku pleaded hopping about with fluttering wings.
“You’re being a bad girl!” Specca scolded.
Cindy blinked then jumped with a gasp before she held her hands up, knocking Squeak and Falla back in the process while she looked down to see Daniel having a few tears leaking from his eyes.
“I’m being a bad girl?” she feared. “I’m sorry. What did I do wrong?”
“It’s okay,” Daniel squeaked out as he rolled onto his back. The girls around him held onto him worriedly while Snapper sat up on his chest and watched him curiously with her wings buzzing a few times.
“Don’t grab him like that ever again!” Clover yelled as she got in Cindy’s face, the wraith falling back with a nervous whine as the elf was glaring with fury at her. “You nearly crushed his dick and balls with your stupid hands!”
“Dick and balls?” Cindy repeated. “What are those?”
“How fucking stupid are you anyway?” Clover shouted in disbelief.
Cindy glared at her with a growl before they saw Squeak rushing over and quickly licking Daniel’s genitals with squeaks. Daniel gasped and held in his voice as the ant girl started orally servicing him while rubbing her saliva all over his crotch.
“What’s she doing?” Cindy asked.
“She’s using her saliva to heal Daniel’s pain that you gave him from grabbing him down there!” Falla yelled at the wraith.
“I don’t understand,” Cindy said shaking her head. “She’s healing him with her spit?”
“Daniel, are you alright?” Kroanette worried.
“I’ll be alright,” Daniel squeaked with a shaky smile and a high-pitched voice. “Really, I’m okay.”
“Daniel,” Doku whimpered as she gently cradled his head in her lap.
“You’re going to be alright,” Triska promised as she sheathed her blade. “Just breathe, Daniel.”
“I’m so sorry that happened to you,” Specca grieved.
“Daniel,” Pip whined as she flew over and hugged his head. “Speak to me, Daniel. Speak to me.”
“I’m okay, Pip,” Daniel weakly said with a few heavy breaths. “I’m… okay… oh… Squeak…”
The girls turned to see Squeak sucking him off gently while using her hands to spread her saliva around his crotch, the ant girl glancing up to them with a few soft squeaks before closing her eyes as she focused on tending her injured mate.
“Is she eating him?” Cindy wondered holding a finger to her lips. “Was that food I was holding before?”
“No it wasn’t!” Alyssa yelled at her. “Keep your hands and mouth off our mate or else I’ll burn you to ash!”
“She’s making Daniel feel better after what you just did to him!” Falla shouted at the wraith.
Snapper watched as Daniel was breathing heavily while looking up at the ceiling with a glazed look in his eye, her attention then going around at seeing the other girls gathering near him as they watched their mate recovering from Cindy’s vicelike squeeze of his privates with concerned faces. She then looked behind her and saw Squeak bobbing her head up and down while slurping on his erect member, the ant girl’s eyes then locking onto the swarm’s as the two watched each other with Squeak continuing her movements in steady rhythm. Snapper looked at her curiously then back to Daniel as he started shaking a little.
“Squeak… Squeak!” Daniel called out before gripping the bedsheets and freezing up. Squeak jerked back a little then lowered her head onto his lap while gently holding his hips that were bucking a few times.
“I think that made him feel a little better,” Triska mused with a small smile.
“Poor Daniel,” Luna worried as she held his hand.
“Are you alright now, dear?” Doku asked.
“Yeah,” Daniel breathed out while reeling from the euphoric sensation that was spreading across his waist. “Thank… you… Squeak.”
Squeak gulped softly a few times then choked a bit and struggled to keep her head down, the girl’s hands shaking slightly before she slowly drew back off him. As she did Clover’s eyes widened, the sight of Squeak’s lips hugging his member while trailing saliva along it causing her to gulp while a blush formed on her face. The other girls then noticed Clover twitching a little, her lips flinching slightly while her mouth was watering before she quickly shook her head and shut her eyes.
“Clover?” Alyssa asked.
“I wasn’t staring!” Clover screamed before she turned to face away from everyone and held a hand over her mouth. She glanced back to see the girls watching her curiously before they turned to Squeak as she sat up while giving one last gulp. The ant girl gently rubbed her saliva on Daniel’s genitals while watching him with a warm smile, her eyes glancing to Clover curiously for a moment before returning to her man.
Daniel breathed out slowly then looked around at the girls as his vision came back into focus. They were watching him with relief as he appeared okay now before his gaze rested on Snapper. The swarm snapped her teeth a few times before turning around, crawling over to his crotch, and then once again grabbing onto his erection.
“Snapper, no!” Triska cried out.
“Don’t bite that!” Luna pleaded.
“Why did nobody grab her?” Alyssa demanded.
Snapper buzzed her wings a few times before she started lurching, the group watching her with growing tension as she hacked a few times before she coughed out green slime onto Daniel’s genitals. Everyone stared with wide eyes as the youngling snapped her teeth a few times before she let go of Daniel and crawled off him. The group watched as Snapper sat on the bed and coughed a few times while buzzing her wings then turned to Daniel’s crotch which had swarm bile covering it.
“What the fuck?” Clover slowly as
“Why did Snapper do that?” Falla questioned with a disgusted face.
“She just threw up on Daniel’s lap,” Alyssa said with a cringe.
“That looks icky,” Pip commented.
“Daniel, are you okay?” Doku worried.
“Um… sure?” Daniel unsurely answered as he felt as lost as everyone else.
“Was she making Daniel feel better too?” Cindy spoke up. The group looked to her as she crawled closer and looked at Daniel’s lap curiously.
“Making me feel better?” Daniel repeated.
“Wasn’t that what Squeak did to you to make you feel good?” Cindy asked him.
Daniel blinked then looked at Squeak, the ant girl staring at his lap with a bewildered expression still before she noticed him watching her. Sitting up Daniel looked down to the swarm bile on him then over to Snapper as she was just gazing around at the room with curious eyes. When her sights rested on him she stopped and just stared at him, the other girls then looking between them in silence as Daniel questioned what had just happened.
“She was trying to make me feel better,” he softly realized.
“Why would you think that?” Clover asked. “She just threw up on your penis.”
“Squeak was using her saliva on me to take away the pain,” Daniel said turning to the ant girl. “I think Snapper tried to imitate her.”
The girls looked over to Snapper as she started crawling towards Daniel again. She sat next to his leg and looked down at his lap before up at him while cawing a few times. Daniel paused for a moment then gently brushed the swarm’s hair, the youngling snapping her teeth a few times while her wings buzzed behind her.
“Were you trying to make me feel better, Snapper?”
Snapper looked down to his lap then started lurching again, with the group showing disgusted faces as they knew what was going to happen next. Sure enough Snapper threw up again on Daniel’s lap, his genitals being completely covered now while the green goo was dropping onto the sheets. The swarm coughed a few times then crawled up Daniel’s side and held onto his shoulder, snapping her teeth at him with a wide smile and some vomit dripping from her chin. Daniel glanced to the youngling then down to his lap while feeling both disgusted and intrigued by the swarm’s behavior.
“Thank you… Snapper,” he said with a faint smile. “That… feels much better now.”
“That’s revolting,” Specca commented with a hand held over her mouth.
“That can’t be making Daniel feel any better,” Alyssa reasoned shaking her head. “I know it’s making me feel worse just looking at it.”
“I’m going to need to clean those sheets right away this morning,” Doku mentioned with a frown. “I hope that doesn’t stain them.”
“Are you sure that was her trying to make you feel better?” Triska asked. “She may have just been copying Squeak without knowing you were in pain.”
“Maybe,” Daniel pondered as he watched Snapper clinging to his shoulder and smiling at him. “But that at least shows she is capable of learning the behavior of those around her. And if that’s true maybe she can learn to be a good girl in life as well.”
“Am I still a good girl?” Cindy worried with her head lowered. “I’m sorry if I hurt you, Daniel. I didn’t mean to.”
“I know you didn’t,” Daniel assured her. “It’s alright, Cindy. I’m fine now, really. Just be careful with your strength, you’re a lot stronger than most of us. Especially me.”
“Okay, Daniel,” Cindy said nodding. “You’re not mad at me, are you?”
“No, I’m not,” Daniel promised before gently petting Snapper’s head. “You weren’t doing anything wrong this morning. If anything I’m glad to know you were worried about me, that shows you do care about others. That’s a good thing.”
Snapper clacked her teeth and buzzed her wings, shaking a bit with a purr while holding onto his shoulder with her claws. The girls noticed that although she was scratching him in doing so with her toes and fingers he didn’t appear to be minding it.
“Daniel, she’s not hurting you, is she?” Luna worried.
“Not really,” Daniel said shaking his head. “It’s a little uncomfortable with her nails but I’m alright. I’m just amazed with how she’s behaving with us.”
Snapper chomped her teeth a few times then blinked and saw some blood coming from Daniel’s shoulder. The others noticed this as well before Daniel flinched a bit and smiled weakly at the swarm.
“Okay, that’s enough clinging to my flesh for now,” he said with a small laugh. “My, your claws really are sharp aren’t they?”
“She is hurting you,” Falla said with annoyance at the little swarm.
“Her claws are very sharp,” Alyssa pointed out. “Daniel was lucky she didn’t slice apart his penis with them earlier.”
Snapper stared at where she had drawn blood from his shoulder then tilted her head curiously, her antennae twitching slightly while her wings buzzed a few times behind her. After a pause she started lurching with a gagging sound, the gesture making everyone cringe as they knew what she was going to do next. Snapper hacked a bit then threw up more green bile onto Daniel’s shoulder, causing him to freeze with a stunned smile as he felt the warm goo sliding down his front and back.
“Aw,” Cindy cooed. “She’s spitting on you to make you feel better. She likes you, Daniel.”
Snapper burped and coughed before she hopped down onto the bed and crawled over to Cindy. The wraith slowly picked up the swarm and coddled her while watching Daniel curiously as he was shuddering slightly with the other girls watching him with concerned looks.
“Daniel?” she asked while holding the swarm that was kicking and snapping her teeth again. “Is something wrong?”
“Are you alright?” Kroanette said.
“I’m fine,” Daniel replied while keeping still. “I think we can guess that she was trying to help me feel better after all. Such a thoughtful girl.”
“At least she didn’t bite you this time,” Falla slowly reasoned with a shrug.
“I am thankful for that, Falla. I think this is the lesser of two evils here.”
“What should we do now, Daniel?” Pip asked.
“Well,” Daniel said as he looked down to see all the swarm vomit on him. “How about we take a bath? I know I could use one right now.”
“That sounds like a good idea to me,” Specca agreed with a weak smile.
“You all go on ahead,” Doku offered while waving them on. “I need to clean this up before I can make the bed. Though I suppose we should be thankful it wasn’t a big mess she made.”
“Uh oh,” Cindy said aloud. The group turned to her as she held Snapper up in the air while looking down at something with a curious expression, the young swarm still kicking her legs and snapping her teeth while paying no mind to what she just now did.
“She just shit on the bed, didn’t she?” Clover flatly said as everyone saw fresh droppings from the swarm resting on the sheets in front of Cindy.
“Oh, Snapper,” Kroanette sighed while holding a hand over her face.
“How much excrement does she have in her anyway?” Specca asked in disbelief.
“I just had to tempt fate by saying that, didn’t I?” Doku lamented with a frown.
Daniel sighed and closed his eyes, smelling vomit and feces in the air while feeling rather dirty all over at the moment. He shook his head then smiled weakly at Triska, the girl glancing to him with a disturbed grimace as he shrugged slightly with a small laugh.
“I’m sure there are those in the world who are having a worse morning than us.”
Daylight stretched across a forest near a small mountain, crossing over the lush pines and foggy woodland floor before coming upon a city that was built next to a gently flowing stream at the base of the highland. The town of Nibelvale was known to be a safe haven for travelers, a beautiful home for families, a promising settlement with jobs aplenty, and one of the
preferred traders with the kingdom of Rockhelm. The finely crafted wood and stone buildings stood tall in the city that was spread out between the river and forest, the expansive settlement being one of the larger ones in the area that served as a home to lumberjacks, blacksmiths, and some of the finest tailors in the region. There was a church built atop a small hilltop that had a beautiful silver bell adorning its steeple, a library that housed large halls of tomes from all over the world, a shopping district with merchants and bakeries of various professions, and a keep that was built to hold a garrison of well-trained and well-equipped fighters to protect their home. This was a place where a human could live in peace and feel at ease even with the harsh world looming around it.
“What the fuck?” Mika breathed in out horror.
At least it was before it came under attack.
“This can’t be Nibelvale,” Mae feared shaking her head.
Now the locale had changed drastically.
“According to the map… this is it,” Milly said in dismay.
The three sisters were at the outskirts of the town while atop their horses, all having come to a sudden stop as they saw the city before them was anything but what it was supposed to be like. The girls saw the buildings having lost their proud décor and reduced to charred ruins that some had collapsed into. The roads were strewn with female soldiers that were decimated and torn apart while bodies of trolls and arachne were seen among them. A few fires were still going in the dwellings while goblins and other monstrous fiends that had been struck down by the human fighters lay among the plentiful corpses that were giving the air in the city a foul stench. The amount of blood that soaked the stones below as well as having been splattered onto the walls and doors of the buildings was unnerving, showing that a large-scale assault had taken place and ended with many lives being lost. It was difficult to tell if it was lingering mist from the morning or smoke from the fires that was drifting about, the haze doing very little to conceal the sight of death and decay that flourished throughout the town.
“What happened?” Mae cried out. “Nibelvale is one of the strongest settlements we have in the region!”