Chronicles of Eden - Act X Page 5
“Snore?” Lelu slowly repeated, as if speaking the word for the first time. “Snore? Is that what my condition is called? I’m a Snore for making that horrible noise when I’m asleep?”
“What are you talking about? Snoring is what you were doing, that sound you were making with your mouth is called snoring.”
“And humans also suffer from this condition?” Lelu anxiously asked. “I’m not the only one?”
“The only one?” Max repeated shaking his head. “No, lots of people do it I’m sure. There’s nothing strange about it.”
“There must be something strange about it, I was the only one in Ruhelia to ever do it.” Max stared at Lelu bewilderedly as the centaur sat up and wiped her tears away. “The doctors could never figure out what was wrong with my throat. No other centaur has ever done that before and I thought-”
“Wait,” Max interrupted holding out a hand. “You’re saying you were the only centaur in all of Ruhelia that snored at night?”
“Yes. Nobody understood what was plaguing me during my dreams, they all just assumed it was because I was… broken.” Lelu lowered her head in shame as Max questioned what he was hearing. “We all thought it was because I’m limquar del medsian.”
“You’re not messed up in the head,” Max reassured her. “Snoring is something lots of people do. I’m just surprised no other centaur in all of your homeland ever did it. That’s what’s weird about your story.”
“I do appreciate your kind words, but I really am messed up in the head,” Lelu sighed. “There’s so much wrong with me.”
“No there’s not,” Max firmly argued. Lelu looked to him in wonder as the boy waved off her statement. “There’s nothing wrong with you, Lelu. I mean, you do have some unhealthy desires, but you can overcome that. And who cares if you snore? I didn’t even notice it until I woke up, and I was sleeping right next to you.”
“Stop calling yourself limca-… whatever it is you were calling yourself. There’s nothing messed up about you at all.”
“How can you say that?” Lelu genuinely wondered. “I’m a monster. That alone should be enough of a reason for you to resent me.”
“I don’t resent you,” Max replied. He then noticed the centaur blushing and watching him with her head lowered, her tail slowly swaying side to side behind her as she appeared speechless. “I mean, you’re different, that’s a given. But I don’t… you’re not… look, I’m just saying there’s nothing wrong with who you are, Lelu. Even… even if you are a monster.”
“You really mean that?” Lelu breathed out.
Max remained silent for a while then sighed and rubbed his hands down his face tiredly as he questioned his own words at this point. Thinking about it for a moment he rubbed the back of his neck then looked away as the centaur kept a close eye on him.
“I don’t even know what I’m saying now. I hate monsters, I always have. Me and my sisters have always despised them for what they do to humans and what they took from us. I was never really taught by my sisters how to kill like they do, but I was going to learn someday. To be a monster hunter. To get rid of evil monsters in the world. To hunt down and kill every monster I could."
"That would mean me as well, wouldn’t it?” Lelu sadly reasoned.
“It would have, had I not met you as I did,” Max reasoned with a shrug. Looking back to the centaur he saw the girl watching him curiously now. “My sisters will kill you on sight, Lelu. They won’t listen to your story or try to see things from your point of view. They’re trained to kill monsters, and that’s something they do very well. But… I don’t want to kill you. I don’t want you to die, Lelu. You’re not a bad monster. At least you’re not to me.”
“You’re my friend,” Max admitted, with Lelu smiling a bit in response. “I like you. I like talking to you and hearing what you have to say, and it’s really nice having someone around here my age for a change. Maybe it’s just because I’ve been alone so much in my life, I can’t tell, but I like having you around.”
“You do?” Lelu eagerly asked with a wagging tail.
“Yeah. I mean you didn’t do anything bad with me during the night. A real monster would have taken the opportunity, but you didn’t. I feel like I can trust you.”
Lelu froze with a quiet whine, the stunned look on her face suggesting something about what Max said caused some anxiety. Max watched her curiously for a moment before showing a cautious expression.
“Lelu? You didn’t do anything funny with me last night, right?”
Max jumped a bit then quickly tossed off his blanket, seeing his clothing still on from the night before. He patted himself down, feeling nothing out of the ordinary or out of place, then turned to Lelu questionably as she was holding her hands over her face now.
“What did you do last night?” Max demanded.
“I… couldn’t… help myself,” Lelu mourned with a sorrowful look at him. Max stared at her in shock, his mind envisioning Lelu pulling down his pants while he was sleeping before she quickly started groping him with a lecherous smile spread across her face.
“You didn’t,” Max breathed out in horror.
“I’m sorry!” Lelu cried out. “I lost control during the night, I didn’t mean to! I awoke and you were doing it in your sleep! I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn’t, you were right there next to me and you were… you were…”
“I was doing what?” Max feared holding his hand down over his crotch.
“You were chewing on your pillow!” Lelu whined before breaking down into tears. Max stared at her in bewilderment as the centaur cried and shook her head. “I couldn’t take my eyes off you, I couldn’t look away, I couldn’t ignore you at all! I’m so sorry, Max!”
“Wait… what?” Max confusedly replied. “I was chewing on my pillow?”
“Like a hungry animal,” Lelu heavily purred before shaking her head with an embarrassed whine.
Max stared at her for a while, looked down to his pillow, then back to the centaur while struggling to understand what she was so upset over.
“Hold on, if all I was doing was chewing on my pillow, what were you doing?”
Lelu hid behind her hands with a squeal then peeked between them at Max, seeing him watching her in confusion through her tears.
During the midnight hours Lelu and Max were sleeping with only a faint glow from the moonlight making it into the room from the kitchen. Lelu was lying sprawled on her back with her hands resting near her head and her mouth opened wide as she snored like a growling lion, the noise doing nothing to disturb Max who was clutching his pillow close and softly chewing on it with quiet murmurs.
With a snort then a cough Lelu sat up and started hacking as she was ejected from her dream by something getting caught in her throat. After a few heavy coughs she spat out some of her long hair that had fallen into her mouth during the night.
“Darn it,” she sputtered before wiping her mouth. “Not again. I really need to start tying my hair back before I go to sleep.”
She coughed a few times then wearily looked around, her senses not quite back just yet as she was still half-asleep. Once her eyes landed on Max however she stopped and blinked, taking a moment to see what he was doing before she jumped with a surprised gasp that she held in with a hand covering her mouth. She stared at Max with wide eyes, seeing him lying on his side while biting down on his pillow with a hungry murmur.
“Max?” Lelu wondered.
Max growled a little while chewing his pillow, happily dreaming he was eating a giant mountain of chocolate while he was climbing the peak like an explorer.
‘I shall eat all that I discover!’ he declared boldly in his dream before taking bite after bite of the dessert flavored crag he was scaling.
Lelu watched Max weakly moving his arms and legs about while munching on the pillow, murmuring and chuckling to himself as he enjoyed his tast
y dream. The centaur gulped then slowly leaned closer, admiring Max’s teeth that sunk into and pulled out of the cushion again and again, all while her tail was excitedly swinging side to side behind her.
“Max…” she purred as he started pulling on the fabric with his teeth. Lelu took a shaky breath before a lustful smile started to form on her face. Her eyes glazed over as she became enthralled by what she was seeing, her hands trembling while her face took on a deep blush.
“Max, are you… hungry?” she panted while scooting closer. Licking her lips she watched Max snacking on his pillow, her mind racing from the sight while she started to become overly excited and wet between her legs.
“Hungry boy,” Lelu growled with a lustful leer. She shakily pulled her shirt up, her breasts instantly bouncing out with great force, before she slowly reached out for the dreaming boy.
“If you’re hungry then please… eat… me,” Lelu purred. She gently took hold of Max as she laid next to him then pulled him into her bosom, the boy then latching onto her arms as he started biting down on her breast. Lelu held in her squeal of excitement as she arched back, her hands clutching his hair while she felt him biting and sucking on her.
“Ohhhhh, Max,” she moaned softly before gasping with a dazed smile, her eyes not focusing on anything as she seemed to lose touch with reality around her.
“Yes, yes,” Lelu panted, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as her lower body twitched and kicked on reflex. “Don’t I taste good? Don’t I? You can’t beat the taste of a centaur, Max. You can’t. Oh! Yes, eat me! Eat all of me, Max! OH! Yes! Yes! Ye-”
With a sudden stop Lelu froze with a stunned expression, her eye twitching a few times while her rear left leg kicked behind her. She started to turn red from holding in her scream then clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle the painful cry that tried to escape her throat. Looking down she saw that Max had chomped down her breast, right on the very spot that would be the most sensitive for any girl.
After a moment with both of them being motionless Lelu shrieked in pain, quickly pulled Max’s head off her, then swung him back down onto the floor with a thump. The centaur screamed and quickly ran out of the room, hooves clacking along the floor as she raced outside to shout as loud as she could. Max however didn’t hear her, mostly since he had been thrown further into his dream by being knocked out cold by the eccentric centaur. He lay there on the floor face first, his leg twitching slightly, while the wails of Lelu were heard echoing outside.
Max stared at Lelu in disbelief while the girl had her head hung low in shame. He slowly raised a hand to his head, felt around the hair and found a lump hiding there, then jumped a bit before looking back down to his sleeping area where he had apparently been mauling Lelu during his dream.
“I was chewing on you while I was asleep?” he cried out at her. “Are you serious?”
“…yes,” Lelu hesitantly replied. She slowly pulled the collar of her shirt down, revealing bite marks on top of her left breast that Max fell speechless from seeing.
“I’m sorry,” Lelu whimpered. “I couldn’t control myself. When I saw you trying to eat your own pillow I lost all control. I… couldn’t stop myself.”
“I can’t believe I really did that,” Max quietly said, feeling conflicted if he should be more angry at what had happened or amazed that he had actually been doing that to the girl’s large bosom.
“It felt really good,” Lelu sighed with a hand held to her cheek. She blinked then looked down with a frown. “Well, it did at first. But then… I wasn’t ready for the pain of being bitten there just yet, and… I sort of lost my resolve. I’m sorry, both for doing that to you when you sleeping and also hurting you afterwards. I deserved the pain I felt then, though I fear it wasn’t enough to cure my shameful desires.”
She broke down crying into her hands while Max tried to think of what to say to her. The girl shook her head about in despair, in doing so also shaking her breasts side to side that Max watched in wonder from the thought of him having been roughly fondling them earlier.
“I’m just a stupid, broken centaur!” Lelu cried out. “I’m sorry, Max! I’m sorry for everything!”
She quickly got to her feet and started running off in distress while flailing her hands to get the hair out of her face, making it only a few feet before banging into the doorframe and promptly dropping onto her side with a thump. Max cringed a bit from the sight then slowly held out a hand towards the girl while she lay there whining in pain.
“Lelu?” he carefully asked.
“I hate my damn hair!” Lelu sobbed.
“Okay, we need to have a little talk,” Max said as he was putting some ointment on Lelu’s forehead where a large bump was. The two were in the kitchen with Max sitting on a stool while Lelu was sitting on the floor before him.
“First, please try to calm down. You get worked up very easily and it makes you act without thinking.”
“Sorry,” she moped before cringing from the sting of the salve.
“Secondly, about what happened last night, let’s just forget about it. Alright?”
“Forget about it?”
“Like you said you got carried away by your… desires. You weren’t thinking clearly. That’s just something you’re going to have to work on,” Max reasoned with a shrug. He started putting a bandage around the centaur’s head while the girl was watching him curiously now. “I know you’re not a bad monster, Lelu. Like I was saying I trust you. At least I trust you not to try and rape me, now I’m more worried that you’re going to try serving yourself to me on a platter without warning.”
“Do you have one that could hold me?” Lelu wondered glancing around the room. She looked back to Max and saw him watching her with a blank expression before she sighed and closed her eyes. “That shouldn’t have been the first thought that came to mind for me, should it?”
“You need to get a handle on that little quirk of yours,” Max worried. “Lelu, I’m not mad because of what you did with me while I was asleep, I wasn’t going to get hurt by it. Well, I did, but never mind that. You weren’t doing anything malicious to me, you never had that intention, so I’m not concerned about that. What concerns me is your own safety.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re going to get hurt if you don’t stop thinking about being eaten,” Max warned her. “You’re going to get really hurt someday, or maybe worse. You’re going to be blinded by what you think is exciting and end up in serious danger because of it.”
“I’m really broken, aren’t I?” Lelu frowned. “I’m just a horrible mess in this world.”
“Stop saying that all the time,” Max ordered before giving her forehead a flick. The girl whined and quickly grabbed it before seeing him watching her in discontent. “Stop saying you’re broken or that you’re stupid. You’re a wonderful girl, Lelu, you just need to get in control of your feelings more. You can overcome this, I know you can, so stop resigning yourself to being like this when you don’t have to.”
Lelu looked at him in wonder for a moment, seeming to be taken aback by his confidence in her, and then slowly scooted forward a little while tilting her head curiously.
“You really see me as… a wonderful girl?”
“Well, uh…” Max hesitantly replied. He leaned back a bit as the girl was inching closer to him while deeply gazing into his eyes. “Yeah, sure. I mean you’re not bad, even if you are a monster. You’re not like other monsters in the world. You’re… well, you’re…”
“I’m what?”
“You’re… special. But not in a bad way, more… like a special way. A good way.”
“I’m special to you?” Lelu asked with a growing smile.
“Yeah, I guess you are,” Max admitted rubbing the back of his neck with a nervous smile. Before he could speak another word the centaur quickly lunged forward and tackled him to the ground.
“Max!” Lelu squealed excitedly, holding t
he thrashing boy down on the floor with her bosom smothering his face. “You really do like me, don’t you? You’re too good to be true! I never thought a human could be so kind as you, I’m so lucky to have found you! Max, thank you for caring about me!”
She stopped then finally took notice of Max struggling to push aside her breasts so he could breathe, the boy’s eyes peeking over them at the centaur who merely watched him curiously with a wagging tail. Letting go she quickly leaned back with a nervous smile as Max gasped for air.
“Sorry about that,” she hastily apologized. “I guess you were right. I do get carried away now and again, don’t I? Heh heh.”
“Now and again?” Max coughed out. He regained himself and sat up, watching as the centaur was looking at him with a timid smile while sitting down on her legs.
“Thank you, Max,” she dearly said. “I really would be alone and lost in this world if I hadn’t met you. I don’t know what compels you to be so kind towards a monster such as myself, but I am grateful.”
“Yeah, not sure what’s gotten into me either,” Max admitted as he looked down in thought. “I have no idea how I’m going to explain any of this to my sisters when they get back.”
“I’m not going to get you in trouble with them, am I?” Lelu worried. “I don’t want to be more of a nuisance for you than I already am.”
“You’re not a nuisance,” Max reassured her as he stood up. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure if they do decide to kill me in fear that I’ve gone mad they would make it quick and painless. I am their little brother after all.”
“You’re joking, right?”
“We’ll see,” Max answered with a shrug. He walked past the centaur into the kitchen while she showed a nervous expression to that. She quickly followed after and kept close behind him as he made his way over to the pantry to fix them up something to eat.
“Are they mean to you, Max?” she asked trotting over to his side. “Your sisters, is it hard living with them?”
“Nah, they’re not mean. At least not on purpose. It’s not so bad living with them.”