Chronicles of Eden - Act X Read online

Page 6

  “What are they like?” Lelu wondered. “What’s it like for you to have sisters?”

  “I don’t know, they’re okay I guess. I suppose it’s just like it is for anyone. Do you have-… I mean, did you have any sisters?”

  “No, I was an only child. I had some friends who had sisters, but I’m curious what it’s like for a human boy to have them.”

  “I would imagine the same as it was for your friends,” Max reasoned as he looked over the food in the pantry.

  “But,” Lelu hesitantly replied, pausing for a moment to choose her words before she quickly trotted over to his other side. “It’s not the same with your sisters and theirs, I’m sure. I mean, they’re female and you’re… male.”

  Max blinked then looked to her questionably as the centaur was watching him closely while eyeing him over.


  “So… have you and them… mated before?”

  “WHAT?” Max exclaimed as he jumped back. “Of course not! Why would we ever do something like that?”

  “To make babies,” Lelu answered with a shrug. “You can give them your seed to breed with, so I was curious if they ever-”

  “No! We’ve never mated before, and we’ve certainly never wanted to make babies together either!”

  “Really?” Lelu curiously asked. “That’s odd, I thought you would have since it would be so easy. I mean, they have a brother who could impregnate them at any time, it just makes sense for them to take advantage of the easy ticket to getting pregnant.”

  “We’re family!” Max cried out. “Blood related! They’re my sisters!”

  “Does that mean it’s not allowed because they’re related to you?”

  “It’s not allowed because it’s wrong! That’s not something humans do, it’s not right at all!”

  “Why? I don’t understand.”

  “Because it’s just not right, that’s why! Humans don’t mate with their own family members!”

  “I see,” Lelu said tilting her head in question. “So does that mean you’ve never-”

  “I’ve never done anything like that with them before, no!”

  “Have you never thought about it?” Lelu wondered. “Even once?”

  Max opened his mouth to speak then paused, silence filling the room while Lelu watched him curiously and waited for his answer.


  “Mae?” Max asked walking into the storeroom. “Mika needs your help hanging up a shield in the sales floor.”

  “One second,” Mae replied as she was tinkering with her crossbow at her workbench. The repeater clicked then fired a bolt right into the wall with a whack, startling the two for a moment before Mae sighed in aggravation.

  “Why does it keep doing that? I’ve reworked the spring-lock and the trigger for it three times now.”

  “Why do you always keep it loaded?” Max questioned with genuine concern.

  “Maybe the wire is too taught,” Mae pondered as she picked up the repeater and started walking to the shelves. After two steps she tripped and stumbled forward into them and some containers with a yelp, all while Max sighed and covered his eyes as he heard a few boxes drop onto her.

  “Just forget about it for now, Mika wants you to help her on the sales floor.”

  Looking back to his sister he jumped with wide eyes. Mae was shaking off a box and some scrap metal that had spilled onto the floor around her while she was bent forward on her hands and knees. The girl grumbled something to herself then started jerking back a few times with frustrated grunts. Her hands were bound by bowstrings and tangled wire that had spilled out from another container. The girl’s crossbow was covered in the wire and stuck along with it by metal plates and rods that had fallen out of other boxes above her.

  “Dammit, this is such a mess,” she complained as she tried yanking her hands free. Each time she did the boxes and toppled contents budged about with a clatter yet she was unable to pull herself out.

  “Mae? You alright?” Max asked as he saw his sister lurching back and forth in front of him, his eyes trying to remain on her head and not her rear which was bouncing about in the air.

  “I’m fine,” Mae grunted as she moved back and forth. “I’ve got this, don’t worry.”

  Max’s eye twitched a bit as his sister jerked forward and back with frustrated grunts, her rear swaying about and perked up just right as if to draw all his focus to it on purpose. Mae groaned as she thrashed about in her binds then gave three quick tugs back in a row, the motion of her behind following that causing Max to slap a hand over his eyes in fear of watching anything further.

  “Wow, that’s so tight,” Mae panted as she felt the strings tightening around her wrists.

  Max shook his head and tried to think about anything else.

  “I can handle this,” Mae grunted before giving a hard pull and a long groan. “Ahh… I can handle this!”

  “Mae, do you… need some help?” Max slowly asked.

  “No, I do not. I don’t need Mika or Milly to laugh at me about this. Just… give me a second!” Mae groaned as she thrashed her shoulders and arms about. Max peeked through his fingers then jumped with wide eyes as he saw his sister shaking her rear about while growling in frustration. The way she was jerking back and forth while panting only caused one thing to try and etch its way into the young boy’s mind, something he was struggling with fending off with all his willpower.

  “Mae, just let me help-”

  “Ugh! Ngh! Grh!” Mae grunted with each tug, the clutter holding her down shaking and budging while Max stared at his sister with a faint blush and eyes that kept being drawn to her waving rear. After one more hard yank another box dropped from the shelf and landed on the girl, knocking her down with her butt remaining perked up in the air behind her.

  “Mae!” Max shouted as he ran over to her. Without thinking he grabbed her hips and tried pulling her out, struggling with the effort for a moment before freezing in place as he saw the provocative position he was in while holding his sister.

  “M-Mae?” he stuttered while turning red, his mind desperately trying to block out the feeling of her hips being held against his while his hands were unable to move in his stunned state to let go of the girl.

  “That’s… a big one,” Mae softly said from under the box. Max gulped and shut his eyes, her words doing nothing to help him avoid unnatural thoughts about his sister.

  “Mae?” he weakly said again. After a while Mae sighed and relaxed her body, seeming to give up with her attempts to escape while Max remained frozen in place behind her.

  “Okay… call for help.”


  “Milly, just forget about it,” Max called up. He was standing under a big tree near their home with the sun shining down from above, the day being one of the more peaceful and relaxing ones for them lately, and as such his sister had tried to enjoy the nice weather with a new activity.

  “Never!” Milly boldly declared, hugging a tree branch that she was carefully crawling across. Ahead of her a pink and blue kite was caught in the tree, something the girl was determined to retrieve as she had climbed the timber in her nice dress and was inching towards it while her brother watched from below.

  “I worked hard on that thing! It took four hours to make!” Milly whined.

  “That’s because you kept recoloring it since you could never make up your mind what color you wanted it to be!”

  “And I finally got it colored just right! It’s my baby and I’m not leaving it here for the tree to eat!”

  “This isn’t going to end well,” Max sighed as he watched his sister crawling on the branch above him.

  Milly reached out her hand and carefully drew closer to the kite, her eyes focused solely on it while a big smile was on her face. She then paused as she heard a cracking sound along with feeling the branch shaking a little.

  “Milly, it’s not going to hold!” Max called out.

  “I can do this!” Milly proudly said as she continued
towards the kite. “I can do this! I’ve got it! I’ve got it!”

  With a sudden lunge she darted forward and snatched the kite from the branches, an excited cheer coming from the girl as she held it up in triumph.

  “I’ve got it!”

  Upon uttering those words the branch snapped in half, dropping downward with a crackling sound while Milly screamed as she fell with it. Max jumped then scrambled around in a panic, then without thinking held out his arms to catch his big sister while looking away with closed eyes as he knew deep down inside exactly how this would end. Sure enough Milly crashed down onto him, taking them both to the ground with a thud while the rustling of leaves was heard above.

  Max groaned as he slowly regained his senses, blinking a few times to clear his vision before he noticed something that made him stare with wide eyes and a deep blush.

  “Wow, that was a big fall,” Milly said looking up, the girl straddling her brother’s chest while having only her socks and shoes on now. Up above her dress was seen caught on the branch that was hanging down while still attached to the tree, the clothing fluttering in the wind while having a few rips and tears on it. Milly blinked then looked down to Max as he was shaking a little while watching her with a twitching eye. Not only had his sister landed right on his chest while being naked but her breasts had taken a few more moments to finally stop jiggling, something he couldn’t look away from as much as he tried.

  “You okay, little brother?” Milly gently asked. All she got was a quiet stutter of nonsense from the boy. “You look red, are you feeling alright?”

  Max focused with all his might to look into her eyes and not her giant breasts that were swaying slightly before him, the girl watching him curiously before looking to the kite she still had in her hand.

  “Oh man, I got the kite but now I gotta go back up there for my dress. This stinks.” She sighed then placed the kite in Max’s hand before she stood up and looked to her clothing that was fluttering overhead. She tried jumping for it, not being able to reach it of course, while Max stared at her in stunned silence. The sight of her hopping up and down, her hair gracefully waving behind her, her breasts bouncing with great force, and her crotch which was shaved clean of any hair and in full view as the oblivious girl was jumping up and down over her little brother was impossible to ignore as his body refused to move or even shut his eyes.

  “Darn it,” Milly pouted. “I’ll be right back, Max. I gotta go climb the dumb tree. Again.”

  She made her way over to the timber and started scaling it again while muttering to herself, leaving Max on the ground with a dazed look in his eyes while he lay there. Slowly he came back to his senses, sat up, and looked to the kite that he was now holding.

  “She really needs to have a little more shame.”

  A cracking sound was soon heard overhead, with Max looking up before jumping with a startle as Milly screamed while falling from the branch once again. A tearing sound was heard along with the snapping of twigs before Milly dropped down in front of Max yet did not touch the ground. The girl was strung up a foot off the ground with her tattered dress now wrapped around her arms and wrists while still being caught on the hanging tree branch. She slowly spun around while bound in place as Max stared at her in stunned silence.

  “Darn it,” Milly whined as she looked up at her torn clothes. “I really liked that outfit too. This day stinks so much.”

  She blinked then noticed Max just watching her with wide eyes and a deep blush on his face. The girl glanced around to her binds and where a few leaves were gently fluttering down beside her before looking back to the boy with a raised eyebrow.

  “Well? A little help?”


  “Mika?” Max asked as he came through the curtain to the sales floor. “Have you seen my- wha! What are you doing?”

  “I’m organizing the shelves, what does it look like?” Mika simply replied. Standing atop a stool the eldest sister was rearranging armor plating on a shelf while dressed in only a tightfitting brown shirt and black panties, something she often wore casually when at home. It was also something Max always became startled by and tried to avert his eyes away from, something he was doing now and failing at.

  “Why are you dressed like that out there?” Max demanded while seeing his sister’s rear clear as day with the sunlight coming through the windows of the cottage. “What if a customer comes in and sees you?”

  “Then I’ll do my job and try and offer something here that looks good to them,” Mika answered with a shrug. She smirked then glanced back to see Max staring at her in bewilderment. “How much do you think I would go for?”


  “Haha, I’m only joking,” Mika laughed as she returned to her work. “Relax, Max. It’s still early, we’re not going to have anyone stopping by just yet. That’s why I’m out here now rearranging our wares so the good stuff is more noticeable.”

  “The only thing noticeable is you,” Max retorted looking down with a flustered grunt. “Geez, you and Milly are always waltzing around here half-naked all the time. Mae’s the only one with any decency.”

  “Mika?” Mae asked as she came out through the curtain, with Max turning to her before jumping in surprise at seeing her wearing a light blue bra and panties while having nothing else on. “Have you seen my black sweater? I can’t find it anywhere.”

  “Haven’t seen it out here,” Mika replied with a shrug.

  “Where did I leave that thing?” Mae wondered looking around. She then noticed Max staring at her with a troubled frown and a light blush. “Max, have you seen it anywhere?”

  “No, I haven’t,” he managed to get out while struggling to keep his eyes on her face.

  “Maybe Milly’s seen it somewhere,” Mae pondered as she left the room. Max closed his eyes and slowly counted to ten before walking over to the counter and resting his head down on it with a thud.

  “Easy, Max,” he told himself. “You can do this. You’re not going to go crazy. They’re just your sisters. That’s it. Just your sisters. Your sisters who have no shame whatso-freaking-ever.”

  “Max,” Mika called out, with him then jumping to attention. “When you’re done mumbling to yourself could you give me a hand?”

  Max headed over to where the girl was handling a set of chest armor on a high shelf while standing on her toes, the girl wobbling a little on the stool while trying to move the steel plate to the side.

  “Can you hold the stool for me?” Mika requested. “This thing’s stuck on something.”

  “Um, sure,” Max said before holding onto it, his eyes then quickly looking down to avoid seeing his sister’s legs or what was just above them.

  “Dammit,” Mika grunted while trying to pull the armor aside. “Why won’t you move?”

  Max closed his eyes and tried not to hear his sister grunting with each jerk her body made, knowing that her ass was likely waving about right above him and was something he shouldn’t look at right now.

  Mika shook the armor about a few times before yanking it out, a snap being heard as it became loose while she lurched back in surprise. She wavered about on the stool while flailing her arms about before she quickly grabbed the shelf and stopped herself from falling over. Breathing out in relief she smiled a bit before blinking and showing a blank expression. Slowly her mouth opened a little in surprise as something poked into her mind before she glanced down behind her. Max was looking up at her with wide eyes and a deep blush, his hands now holding onto her rear as he had quickly grabbed her in an effort to keep her from falling off.

  “I just- and you- I was only- and you were going to- uh…” he stammered nervously.

  “Max,” Mika plainly said. “I appreciate you trying to catch me. That was the right thing to do for a gentleman. Having said that, could you please move your thumbs?”

  Max blinked then finally noticed that his thumbs were gripping the girl exactly on the thin strip of fabric that was covering her womanhood. With a scream
he quickly pulled his hands back and shook his head with closed eyes.

  “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to! I was just trying to help! And for the record you’re the one who didn’t want to put on pants today!”

  Mika shook her head a little then started moving the armor off the shelf again.

  “It’s alright, Max. And I got the chest plate freed, looks like a strap was caught on-” she said before she lost her balance again, the girl pulling the armor off the shelf and wavering on the stool before she fell back off it with a crash. She held the steel plate above her head while lying on her back with a groan, the girl then sitting up and looking to the shelf with a sigh.

  “Okay, maybe this piece shouldn’t be up there. It would have looked good there too. You okay, Max? Max?”

  Looking down she noticed she only saw Max’s lower body and legs before her, with her gaze then going down further before she jumped in surprise. Max’s arms were flailing around while his sister was now sitting on his face after having landed on him. Mika watched her little brother squirming around under her while mumbling something into her panties then shivered with a blush, the girl looking forward while clenching her fists with a strained expression.

  “Max, please stop trying to apologize right now.”


  “No,” Max finally replied before turning away from Lelu. “Definitely not. My sisters are just that to me; sisters. Never had any dirty thoughts about them even once.”

  “I see,” Lelu said with a small smile. “So you don’t find them attractive at all?”

  “They’re okay looking, I guess,” Max hesitantly answered. “I just don’t see them as anything other than family to me. We’re close, we’re family after all. But we don’t do anything in bed together. That’s how humans are.”

  “I’m learning something new every day with you,” Lelu giggled. She then trotted around to his other side, with Max looking one way then the other to see the centaur sitting down beside him with a curious smile on her face. “Please tell me more about them. I know they’re monster hunters, but… they don’t strike me as savage killers. At least I didn’t get that impression when I saw your sister in person the other day. She seemed very nice. What are they really like?”