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Chronicles of Eden - Act X Page 9

  “We were trying to be nice,” Alyssa complained hopping up and down. “And look what came of it, they swarmed you like swarm. I mean they literally stripped you down and threw you into the bath before rushing after to rub their damned boobs all over you!”

  “Clover wasn’t rubbing her boobies all over him though,” Pip mentioned while sliding down Daniel’s chest. “Her boobies are too small like yours, Alyssa.”

  “Fuck you!” Clover and Alyssa shouted out, the two then looking to each other curiously. The elf shook her head then looked to Squeak with annoyance while the ant girl kept her held down.

  “Besides, we’re his mates too. You can’t get mad at us for being close to the one who wanted to be with us.”

  Squeak shook her head and squeaked something while shaking a finger at the elf, with Clover trying to wrestle the ant girl’s hold off her with frustrated grunts.

  “For crying out loud, nobody understands you! Why can’t you learn that?”

  “The point is you girls were getting too close to Daniel,” Specca argued crossing her arms. “You’re not allowed to get so… physical with him like that. You three girls haven’t earned that right yet.”

  “We weren’t having sex with him!” Clover shot back. “We were washing him! If we’re allowed to kiss and hug him then surely us rubbing soap on his body and cleaning up swarm vomit is okay too!”

  “I wanna clean him too!” Cindy whined. She thrashed around in an angry fit while holding Snapper close, the young swarm gnawing on her sandy arm while failing to get the wraith’s attention. “I wanna wash Daniel! It’s not fair you all get to have fun with him and I don’t! I want to do that with him too! Stop being so mean and keeping him all to yourselves!”

  “Then why didn’t you jump in and join them earlier?” Luna asked.

  “Because I don’t wanna go in there!” Cindy complained. “I don’t like water! I wanna take care of him out here, not in there!”

  “What’s wrong with the water?” Specca wondered. She then looked closely at Cindy, seeing the wraith watching the rippling pool with nervous eyes. “Wait a moment. Do you not like water, Cindy?”

  Everyone stopped and looked to the sand wraith as she pouted and turned away from them.

  “Cindy?” Daniel said. The girl glanced to him with a low murmur then looked down while holding Snapper closer. The swarm watched her with a curious gurgle, appearing to notice the wraith’s troubled behavior now as she stopped biting the girl’s arm.

  “Can sand wraiths actually go in water?” Kroanette asked aloud. “I never stopped to think about that.”

  “They’re made of sand,” Clover pointed out. “Wouldn’t she dissolve or fall apart if she did?”

  “Oh my, is that true, Cindy?” Doku worried. “Are you not able to bathe like we are?”

  “That must be true,” Specca theorized. “I’ve never heard of such an instance happening before, but it makes sense. I don’t believe Cindy can come in here without harming herself. Sand wraiths might be just as vulnerable to water as they are to fire.”

  Cindy merely mumbled something to herself while avoiding eye contact with the group. Everyone exchanged curious glances with one another before watching the wraith becoming flustered about the topic. Daniel started to move towards the troubled girl, with those around him letting him go as he went to comfort Cindy. Before he could get far Triska quickly hopped out of the bath and approached Cindy, holding a hand out to Daniel to halt him while watching the wraith with a sympathetic expression.

  “Cindy?” she gently asked. Cindy glanced to her with a scowl as the teen came over and kneeled down beside her. “Are you okay?”

  “Go away,” Cindy muttered looking back down.

  “Hey,” Triska softly said, carefully reaching a hand out and bringing the wraith’s gaze back to her. “Please talk to us. Does water hurt you? We don’t want to cause you discomfort while you’re with us.”

  “Meanie,” Cindy grumbled.

  “Please, Cindy. We’re worried about you,” Triska kindly said. Cindy looked at her with worried eyes then to the water while she set Snapper down on the floor. The swarm snapped her teeth a few times as she hopped about then stopped and faced Cindy while watching her with a flutter of her wings.

  “Cindy, please tell us the truth,” Triska implored. “If water is harmful to you sand wraiths we need to know about it. Just like we don’t want to let fire get near you because it hurts you, we don’t want to put you next to something else that’s dangerous for you. Does water hurt your kind?”

  “It doesn’t hurt us,” Cindy mumbled looking down.

  “Then what’s wrong? Why don’t you join us in the bath? You’re allowed to, it’s okay.”

  “I can’t,” Cindy moped. She looked away for a moment then glanced to the teen. “We can’t move in water.”

  “You can’t move in water?” Triska repeated with a curious look at the others. “You mean you don’t know how to swim?”

  “That’s alright, Cindy,” Daniel reassured her. “It’s not that deep in here, you can come in and stand up just fine if you want to.”

  “No, I can’t,” Cindy whimpered shaking her head.

  “Why not?” Triska softly said, gently taking hold of the wraith’s cheek and bringing her gaze back to her. “What do you mean you can’t? What’s wrong, Cindy?”

  “I can’t move in water,” Cindy pouted. “If I get wet I get heavy and I can’t move.”

  “You get heavy and you can’t move?” Triska repeated curiously.

  “What does she mean?” Pip asked fluttering over the water.

  “I believe she means she absorbs too much water, like a sponge,” Specca guessed. “It sounds like they don’t dissolve in the water, rather they absorb it which then becomes a burden to them.”

  “So if she comes in here she’ll soak up the water then drop to the floor like a stone?” Kroanette worried.

  “Isn’t that drowning then?” Alyssa pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

  “No, I can’t drown,” Cindy said shaking her head. “I don’t need to breathe like you do, I can’t drown like you can. I would just sink and…”

  “And?” Luna worried.

  “I’ll be stuck there,” Cindy pouted. “I don’t want to stay down there, I want to be up here where I can move.”

  “Cindy?” Triska softly said. She smiled a little then hugged the sand wraith, with Cindy jumping a bit before whimpering with closed eyes. “It’s okay. Thank you for telling us, we needed to know. Don’t worry. You’re safe. You’re not sinking today.”

  “Triska’s being very nice to her now,” Kroanette mentioned with a curious smile.

  “Indeed,” Specca commented with a raised eyebrow. “I suppose she truly does wish to form a friendship with Cindy.”

  “She’s truly a caring girl,” Doku praised.

  “She’s lying,” Falla flatly said, with Daniel and the girls looking to her confusedly then to Triska as she was tenderly holding the sand wraith. The cambion smirked then quickly flung Cindy over the edge, causing Cindy to scream while flailing her arms around before falling into the pool with a large splash. The group jumped and watched as the wraith vanished under the rolling waves, the water eventually settling down while bubbles continued to come up from the place that Cindy had yet to surface from.

  “Oh no! Cindy?” Luna called out.

  “Triska!” Daniel shouted out.

  Triska started laughing while holding her sides, herself along with Kitten who was laughing wildly next to her in her mind as they both watched Cindy remaining underwater. Snapper crawled over to the edge of the bath and looked around, seeming to be searching for Cindy before she cawed at the group with buzzing wings.

  “Why did you throw her in like that?” Kroanette demanded.

  “Um, she’s not coming back up, is she?” Alyssa asked pointing to the bubbling water.

  “Cindy?” Specca gasped. She quickly dove down under the water and raced over to where Cindy
was lying on her back at the bottom of the pool, the wraith having her arms and legs spread out while her hair remained flat on the floor. The wraith was screaming with only muffled cries and bubbles coming up from her mouth, her body not moving in the least as she appeared firmly anchored in place. Specca covered her mouth in concern for the poor girl then raced up to the surface with a splash.

  “She can’t move!” she called out, with everyone quickly heading over to where the bubbles from the wraith were still coming up.

  “Cindy?” Doku feared.

  “Why did you do that?” Pip asked Triska with a grimace. “That was mean.”

  “No,” Triska laughed shaking her head. “What was mean was the way she’s been treating me all this time. She had that coming for a while now.”

  “She can’t get back up!” Specca shouted at her. “She’s stuck down there now!”

  “Relax, she’s not going to drown down there. She’ll be just fine. And don’t worry, I’ll bring her out myself. Eventually.”

  “Triska Raylight,” Daniel scolded.

  “Hey, I’ve been nice to her all this time,” Triska defended holding up her hands. “She’s been a bitch to me and needed to be taught a lesson.”

  Looking around she saw Doku lowering her head in regret, Luna and Specca nervously watching Cindy below them, Daniel and the other girls giving the cambion dull stares, and Snapper who was actually showing a mean smile at her now as she appeared to be upset that Cindy was thrown in like that. Triska smiled weakly and giggled then noticed Kitten smiling amusedly at her.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I thought it was hilarious. But, you’re so fucked now.”

  Triska gulped then cringed a little at seeing nobody showing any amusement towards her actions.

  “Triska,” Daniel lectured in a knowing tone.

  “Um… sorry?” Triska quietly said.

  “Oh, quiz time,” Clover dryly said holding up a hand. “What happens to bad girls in our home, Triska?”

  Triska blinked then looked to Alyssa nervously as the witch was slowly shaking her head while lightly tapping her spiked dildo against her palm.

  “Wait, it’s not like I hurt her or anything,” Triska reasoned defensively.

  “She was starting to bond with you, we saw it,” Specca snapped at her. “You were actually winning her over with kindness, and then you ruined it by destroying her trust in you with throwing her into the water like that. Never mind that she can’t be hurt physically by this, you hurt her emotionally.”

  “But… she… and I… and…” Triska stammered.

  “For crying out loud, she’s just a kid,” Clover scoffed waving to the bubbles that were still coming up. She glanced down to the water with a raised eyebrow then muttered to herself. “Who has big boobs that she doesn’t fucking deserve.”

  “I know that, but still…”

  “Triska,” Alyssa spoke up, with the cambion biting her lip nervously and shaking her head. The witch motioned her down with one finger while her eyes gave off a small glow.

  “Bend over.”


  Cindy’s muffled screams couldn’t be heard by anyone, the wraith seeing only bubbles coming up from her towards the rippling surface while she saw everyone standing around her. She then watched as someone reached down and grabbed hold of her, the strong pair of arms cradling the wraith under her thighs and back as she was carefully lifted up. Slowly Cindy was brought back up above the surface, the girl coughing and spitting out water while she felt her body weighing far more than she could move herself. Fortunately someone else was able to handle the weight.

  “Thank you, Squeak,” Daniel said as the group watched Squeak lifting Cindy up into her arms. The ant girl was showing a focused expression while her muscles were taught, the weight of a waterlogged sand wraith obviously being a great deal yet still possible for the strong monster to carry.

  “Cindy, are you okay?” Luna worried as she tried lifting the sand wraith’s hand, something she struggled to do as just the girl’s arm was incredibly heavy now.

  “My boobies,” Pip lamented as she flew down and nestled in the wraith’s bosom. “Please be okay, my boobies. And Cindy, too.”

  “I don’t like this,” Cindy coughed while looking up at the ceiling. “I don’t like water. I don’t.”

  “I’m so sorry, Cindy,” Daniel apologized, gently caressing the girl’s head while her eyes turned to look at him. She whimpered and whined while having a saddened face but her tears were masked with the bathwater running off her.

  “I don’t want to be in the bath, Daniel. I don’t like it. Please help me get out.”

  “You’re going to be fine,” Doku assured as Squeak slowly took one steady step after another to bring the wraith over to the bath’s edge. After finally getting there the ant girl set Cindy down on the floor then leaned against the edge while catching her breath, taking a moment to regain herself while Pip zipped out of Cindy’s bosom and into hers as she saw Snapper crawling closer.

  “You okay?” Falla worried holding onto her co-mate. Squeak nodded and squeaked something before stretching out her arm, with Falla eyeing over the girl’s muscle with a timid smile before she started rubbing the ant girl’s shoulders.

  “I think you need a body massage after that,” she mentioned, with Squeak glancing to her with a smirk before they watched Cindy coughing and whimpering in front of the group.

  “You’re okay now, Cindy,” Daniel promised holding her hand. “I’m sorry that happened. I really am.”

  “The poor thing,” Doku empathized. “She can’t even move now.”

  Snapper crawled over and cawed a few times before she started chewing on Cindy’s face. The wraith sniffled and smiled a little while Snapper clawed and chomped on her head with tiny growls.

  “Snapper,” Cindy cooed. “I’m okay, Snapper. Thank you for caring about me.”

  “She’s eating her face,” Kroanette spoke up with genuine concern while Daniel and the girls watched the sight with disturbed expressions.

  “It’s okay,” Luna reasoned with a nervous smile. “Cindy likes that, I guess. Snapper’s just being friendly with her in her own way.”

  “I hope she doesn’t imitate that with us later,” Specca worried.

  Cindy smiled softly while Snapper chewed off half of her face then looked at Daniel with a pout.

  “I hate Triska. She’s mean.”

  “Yes, that was rather mean of her,” Daniel agreed with a sigh.

  “Don’t worry, Cindy,” Kroanette said, with Daniel and the girls looking off to the side in annoyance. “She’s learning her lesson right now.”

  “OH GOD!” Triska screamed out with a flushed face. The cambion was on her hands and knees near the bath, her head lowered while her mouth was opened wide with a hoarse gasp, and had a very large wooden phallus being shoved straight into her ass by the group’s unofficial disciplinary officer.

  “Shut up and take your punishment, Triska!” Alyssa yelled as she gave the wood another hard shove.

  “What the fuck were you thinking?” Clover demanded while she and Star were standing over the cambion with crossed arms and scowls. “You scared the shit out of her. I’m pretty sure she hates your guts way worse now than she did before!”

  “It was worth it! AHHHH!” Triska screamed as her hips shook on reflex from Alyssa pushing the object in further.

  “We’re supposed to be good girls, remember?” Alyssa scolded with a hard push and a scream from Triska. “You’re not supposed to be like Kitten! You’re supposed to be the good half of you two!”

  “I have to agree with her on that one,” Kitten giggled inside Triska’s mind. “I would have at least waited to do that to Cindy when nobody else was around, certainly not when my master would be watching right in front of us.”

  “She- HNNNGGH! She had it coming!” Triska wailed before dropping forward onto the floor while Alyssa held her hips up and continued to push the object in more. Alyssa grunted and jerked wi
th each thrust she made before finally stopping, having pushed the wood nearly all the way into the girl’s rear. Triska whined and shook a little before Alyssa slapped her rear, electing a sharp yell from the teen.

  “I don’t want to hear it! You did that on purpose to torment her! You know the rules here, Triska!” Alyssa scolded. She stood up and scoffed at the crying girl then looked to Clover and Star with a glare, the two jumping a bit from seeing her showing them anger.

  “The next time you girls hang all over our man like that or dare to touch his penis before you’re given permission by us to do so, that’s going to be you!” she yelled pointing down to Triska. Clover and Star backed up nodding with nervous expressions and waved their hands in front of them.

  “Okay, you got it,” Clover hastily agreed. “Line has been established, we won’t cross it again. Really.”

  Star meowed and nodded eagerly to that.

  Alyssa nodded slowly then looked over to the others, with Daniel having his eyes closed and head lowered as he shook it with exasperation for his troublesome mate. The other girls watched Triska whimpering and twitching with her rear sticking up in the air then looked to Cindy as she was scowling at Triska with a disfigured face from Snapper having chewed it apart.

  “She’s such a meanie.”

  “Yeah, she can be,” Specca sighed.

  “How long is that going to be in her butt?” Pip asked.

  “A while,” Alyssa sternly said before she grabbed Triska’s hair and lifted the girl’s head up. “Let’s go, Triska. Bedroom. Now. And I don’t want to hear a single complaint out of you or so help me you’re going to really get it. Now move it.”

  “O… okay,” Triska breathed out weakly. She crawled along on her hands and knees while Alyssa led her by the hair, the two leaving the bathing room while Clover and Star walked over to Cindy and the others.

  “Betchya she didn’t learn a damn thing from this,” Clover dryly mentioned.

  “Probably not,” Doku sadly agreed.

  “Cindy,” Daniel gently said, holding the wraith’s hand while brushing her hair. It felt rougher than usual yet had a moist touch to it, showing that the cursed sand that made up her being had absorbed the water rather well and retained its hardened form.